Wilson Elementary School
2915 Charlestown Pike Jeffersonville , IN 47130 ( 812 ) 288-4888
Grades K-5 | Principal : Dr . April Holder
wes . gccschools . com
Wilson Elementary School ( WES ) is home to the Wildcat family . We have approximately 475 students enrolled in preschool through fifth grade . Teachers at Wilson provide outstanding learning opportunities for the students . The staff offers strong academics , which focus on Balanced Literacy , Balanced Math , and a variety of other subjects . In addition to the standard curriculum , fine arts , technology , and some of the best athletic programs in elementary athletics are offered at WES . Our teachers and staff sponsor several afterschool clubs to motivate and inspire creativity , imagination and discovery . In addition , all Wilson Wildcats get weekly opportunities to learn about character , how to regulate emotion and work with others through our Character Strong and Life skills Program . The staff is committed to ensuring that all of the students are successful and exhibit PRIDE ( Persistence , Respectfulness , Initiative , Dependability , and Efficiency ). The staff is also very dedicated to making sure that every student is given a strong educational foundation embedded with friendship and memories to last a lifetime .
The goal at WES is to ensure that all students are engaged and achieving their personal best .
Outstanding Qualities
• Character Strong Program School
• Before and after school clubs offered this year : Vex Robotics , Science Club , Art Club , Board Game Club , Lego Club , STEM Club , Chess Club , Yoga Club & Drama Club
• Variety of extracurricular activities such as : student council , intramural sports , school dance , science fair , competitive athletics and student ambassadors
• Active PTO supports our school and has established over 50 business partnerships
• New technology ( interactive whiteboards , document cameras , one to one initiative etc .)
• Monthly Family Nights in the community and at school
Connect with us
Please follow us on : Twitter @ MrsAprilHolder & Facebook Group : W . E . Wilson Elementary School