Thomas Jefferson Elementary School
2710 Hamburg Pike Jeffersonville , IN 47130 ( 812 ) 288-4855
Grades PK-5 | Principal : Jennifer M . Korfhage
tjes . gccschools . com
Thomas Jefferson Elementary School ( TJ ) is a preschool through fifth grade school committed to academic excellence in a nurturing and intimate environment . TJ encourages personal initiative , creativity and curiosity . Currently TJ has an enrollment of approximately 350 students . The mission of TJ is to challenge and empower students to achieve their personal best . All students are provided the opportunity to focus on music , art , technology and physical education programs . We partner with various fine arts programs to bring exposure and opportunities to our students . Since 1953 , TJ has been instilling the love of learning in all students through our holistic approach to education .
Thomas Jefferson offers a focus on the traditional essentials of reading , writing and mathematics . In addition to academics , the TJ community understands the need for a learning continuum that instills strong character and decision making in all of our students . As a school we focus on promoting strong character through building positive relationships and maintaining a strong sense of small community .
Thomas Jefferson partners with the community to ensure the success of all students . One of our largest attributes is our Parent Teacher Organization . Our parents are supportive and involved ensuring the success of our community .
Outstanding Qualities
• Character education with focus on PRIDE ( Persistence , Respectfulness , Initiative , Dependability , and Efficiency )
• Chromebooks in all K-2 classrooms
• Center Stone partnership
• Extracurricular opportunities ; academic team , art club , competitive athletics , Robotics Club , Rube Goldberg Club Chess Club and student council .
• Family Nights
• Fund for the Arts Enrichment programs through our gifted and talented partnership
• Fund for the Arts “ TAG ” recipients for the past 11 years
• Kids Heart challenge yearly participant
• Leukemia and Lymphoma partnership
• One-to-one initiative Chrome books in grades 3 -5
• Scholastic Book Clubs partnership
• Small school atmosphere , community
• Student council partnerships with several community organizations within the Jeffersonville area
• Universal Design for Learning participant - Indiana University Bloomington ( ICTQ )
• Youth Link Southern Indiana partnership