Riverside Elementary School in Jeffersonville is among the schools that will see classroom additions in the first year of Greater Clark County Schools ’ five-year facility plan .
Building for a better future
Renovations , new construction underway
Story by Jen Selinsky | Originally published in the News and Tribune
Great developments are underway for the schools in the Greater Clark school system . The director of facilities and project management , Jeremy Shireman , was excited to relay information about the schools ’ latest developments .
Utica Elementary School ’ s Expansion
“ Renovations are really needed to meet the needs of upcoming students and students transferring ,” he said regarding the large influx of new students who will be attending the school . Because the facility has not been renovated for a long time , those improvements are sure to greatly accommodate the needs of the student population .
Riverside Elementary School Expansion
“ Our Riverside Elementary School is getting ready to break ground on six new classrooms for the 2023-2024 school year ,” Shireman said .
Though the school is not considered a small facility , the addition of those new classrooms will give more students an opportunity to learn and flourish in a great new environment .
New Facilities and Closures Planned
Plans for two other schools include the opening of new educational facilities in Jeffersonville and Charlestown .
“ We will be closing our Thomas Jefferson and Wilson Elementary schools in Jeffersonville , which will make room for another 150 students . We will also be combining Pleasant Ridge and Jonathan Jennings in Charlestown , which should also increase the capacity there by 150 students ,” Shireman said .
The new schools will be much larger to meet the areas ’ demands of a growing population . Shireman said the committee hasn ’ t chosen names for the new facilities , but they will be using staff and student feedback to help choose a name and school colors , which is good for public relations , as well as the developers ’ relations with the local community . “ By the time we are finished with our renovations , we hope to have capacity for over 1,000 additional students .”