Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Business Journal Q4 2014 | Page 18
Red Carpet Openings
& Thank you for sharing this milestone with us!
All members of the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of
Commerce are welcomed to attend weekly Red Carpet
Openings. This is an opportunity to welcome new
members to the chamber, learn more about businesses
in your community and build more relationships with
business professionals.
Committee members are ambassadors of the Greater
Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce. They go above and
beyond fufilling volunteer opportunities, assisting with
new member onboarding and identifying community
excellence with the quarter Beautification Award. The
Red Carpet Members are dedicated in making Cheyenne
a welcoming community.
Bob Cat of the Rockies
Jennifer Goodrich - Owner
Chris Dennis - Rental Manager
(307) 631-3267
(307) 356-7420
With an extensive inventory of prepared fine food
Dine in 2Nite delivers freshly used compact
equipment, skid steers, wheeland readycompact,
to your home or office, hot loaders, to eat. An
attachments, alternative to eating removal equipment,
economical tele handlers, snow out or cooking at
utility vehicles and more,the well as asolution for the
home, Dine In 2Nite is as perfect parts, service
and rentals department, Bobcat of the single diner
working professional, busy family, or Rockies is the
dealeris tired of preparing meals for one.
who that guarantees to keep you working.
PG 18 l
Community Investment
Brenda DePue Chair
Gena Carroll, Vice-Chair
Jan Falk, Past Chair
Quinne King,Secretary
Karen Isley, Treasurer
Members at Large:
Laurie Meena
Olivia Samson
Learn more about how to get involved by contacting
Rockie Hiser, Director of Community Investment,
(307) 638-3388 or [email protected]
Old Chicago
Diamond Horseshoe Cafe
Jeff Jordan - Regional Manager
Dianne Darling- Owner
(307) 634-3400
(307) 638-8255
Old Chicago has been years, great beer and
In Cheyenne for over 37servingthe Diamond pizza
for more Cafe is home of the Real Burrito and real
Horseshoe than three decades. Stop in for great beer
offerings, numerous tvs by for breakfast or lunch
homemade cooking. Stopfor viewing sports, and of
course a will menu full of family!
where you largebe treated liketasty items!