Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Business Journal Q3 2015 | Page 27

MRed Carpet Openings Congratulations & thank you for sharing this milestone with us! All members of the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce are welcome to attend weekly Red Carpet Openings. This is an opportunity to welcome new members to the Chamber, learn more about businesses in your community and build more relationships with business professionals. BECOME A RED CARPET MEMBER Committee members are ambassadors of the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce. They go above and beyond fulfilling volunteer opportunities, assisting with new member onboarding and identifying community excellence with the quarterly Beautification Award. The Red Carpet Members are dedicated to making Cheyenne a welcoming community. Gena Carroll from Merdian Trust and the 2015 Red Carpet Committee Chairman shared her reason for becoming a Red Carpet Member, “I wanted to get more involved with the community and network to meet more people in Cheyenne since I had just moved here from Jackson in November 2010. Going out to new businesses or long time businesses that remodeled, renovated or moved to a new location was very intriguing to see.” She further explained, “Red Carpet Openings are important to welcome new business members to the Chamber and have them share their story. Connect with them on a business level, welcome them to the community, tell them the benefits of attending Chamber functions such as the luncheon, business after hours or to join a committee such as Red Carpet. Any new business that joins the Chamber or an existing Chamber member that has renovated/remodeled their business is eligible for red carpet openings.” RED CARPET COMMITTEE LEADERSHIP Gena Carroll- Chair Christine Kronz- Vice Chair Brenda DePue- Past Chair Lynn Reynolds- Secretary Jeremy Hamilton- Treasurer Members at Large: Quinne King & Karen Isley To become a Red Carpet Committee member or to schedule a Ribbon Cutting, contact Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce (307) 638-3388. #1 Properties - Chuck West Chuck West - Associate Broker/Owner Chuck West - Associate Broker/Owner 1660 Dell Range Blvd, Cheyenne, WY 82009 (919) 440-3320 Chuck West moved to Cheyenne five years ago with his wife Alane West, ASID, PMP. Chuck has been a real estate professional with over 30 years of highly responsible commercial real estate, legal and engineering experience in both the public and private sectors. He is currently a commercial real estate broker with #1 Properties, a practicing California attorney with a Juris Doctorate, Bachelor of Science in Engineering (UCLA), Certified Commercial Investment Member ͡