Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Business Journal Q3 2014 | Page 31

T:11” At Halladay we get it. RE-RELEASED TO VENDOR Bleed None Trim 11” x 8.5” Live None Folded Size None Finishing None Colors Spec’d None Special Instr. None Version # 3 Publications None Document Name GMC1-FCO-13-01775-126 GMC BizElite Cling_v3.indd Linked Graphics Art Director JWB Mech Scale None Print Scale None Stock clear Copy Writer None Proj Mgr C. Senn Acct Svc J. Smith Prod Mgr M. Gardner Last Modified Colors In-Use Cyan Magenta Yellow Black User 2-22-2013 4:53 PM Printer ma-jsforza-mac 10I-EXP550 Atlantis Mechd By: TBD Output Date 2-22-2013 4:53 PM RTVd By: TBD CD/ACD COPYWRITER PROD COPY EDIT YOUR CHOICE FOR BUSINESS FLEET! AD ACCT SERVICE Partner with us at Halladay. We’ll take the time to learn about your unique business challenges and offer you real solutions. We specialize in strong, long-term partnerships. And we realize that your success is the ultimate measure of our success. MAKE HALLADAY Art Buyer None Copy Edit R.R. Mac sforza BY SIGNING YOUR INITIALS ABOVE, YOU ARE STATING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND APPRO VED THIS WORK. 2-22-2013 4:53 PM 127 Job Description Window Cling CONTENT Job # GMC1-FCO-13-01775 Vendor: Archer Release Date: 2/22/13 T:8.5” When it comes to your fleet, you can’t afford mistakes. You need the right vehicles, customized to your specific business needs. You need a dealer you can count on. You need every dollar to count. Business Choice Maintenance INCLUDED with every Fleet Vehicle: Lube, oil and filter service, single tire rotation and 27-point inspection process for 2 years/24,000 miles.1 STOP IN! CALL TODAY! COMMERCIAL & FLEET SALES (307) 634-1511 1-888-HALLADAY MON-FRI: 8:30AM-6:00PM SATURDAY: 8:30AM-5:00PM (Toll Free) 1. According to your vehicle’s recommended maintenance schedule for up to two years or 24,000 miles, whichever comes first. Does not include air filters. Covers six oil changes for gasoline engines and four oil changes for diesel. Extra charge may apply for dual rear wheel tire rotations. GMC TRUCK CENTER 2100 Westland Road Cheyenne, WY 82001 Q3 2014 BUSINESS JOURNAL l PG 31