Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Business Journal Q2 2014 | Page 9
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the “perfect” city with landscaping on
every corner, new modern buildings, a
perfect workforce and regulators armed
with thousands of pages of rules and
regulations to make it happen. I worry that
we are furiously driving the proverbial post
hole diggers into the ground, paying little
mind to whether or not the hole is straight
or what the end product might look like.
The results are many of this approach, but
certainly spreading our infrastructure too
thin, the stifling of economic development
at all levels, and a distrust of government
at all levels are all results of this type
It pains me to say that Grandpa was right,
but he was. We need to be slow, steady
and methodical in our approach to the
development in our community, paying
special attention to the detail, making
sure each hole is straight, and true and
continually working toward excellence.
Planning our infrastructure carefully,
utilizing rules and enforcement that make
sense, and listening to some of the folks
who have been around the block a time or
two are all important as we work to drive
Cheyenne and Laramie County forward.
of approach.
As we work together to build our community
by redeveloping downtown, encouraging
smart growth in retail areas, recruiting
industrial and primary job prospects,
beautifying our community, educating
our kids, and improving quality of life,
let’s apply the principles that I learned
from Grandpa the hard way on that hot
summer day in Oklahoma. Let us all be
committed to working steadily and
efficiently with a rhythm and stroke that
creates results.
Thanks Grandpa.
Special Request!
Every spring the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of
Commerce has volunteers participating in our Total
Resource Campaign. We simply request that you keep
your doors open and encourage you all to truly take advantage of the opportunities
and member benefits we have to offer. We strive to make the greater Cheyenne area a
strong business center through providing these amazing opportunities to our members.
On behalf of the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce and TRC Volunteers,
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