Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Business Journal Q1 2015 | Page 58
proud that the Red Carpet Committee used our extra
funds that were generated from the 50/50 raffle at the
monthly Chamber Luncheons to provide scholarships to
Leadership Cheyenne. The scholarships help individuals
that may not have been able to enroll in the program.
Issue Sponsor:
Your involvement is vital to the successes of our
community. The value in being Chamber Partners
rests in the ability to show current and future
customers that you are a key part of the single most
important force helping businesses, nonprofit and
public sector in the Cheyenne area since 1907.
Chairman Challenges:
I really didn’t face any challenges as Chairman of the
Red Carpet Committee. The Chamber Staff and the
Red Carpet Committee have been very supportive and
wonderful to work with.
Advice from the Chairman:
Keep the committee engaged and have fun.
The Total Resource Campaign is a program that
makes it possible to raise the funds to sustain
programs for business development, community
improvement, advocacy and member services that our
Chamber provides. It has proven to dramatically build
Chamber Programming.
Chairman: Nick Dodgson, Owner of Midas
Staff Liaison: Tristan Johnson, Vice President
• Raised nearly $350,000
There are a variety of ways to partner with the Greater
Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce to improve our
community and to give back. Unique to the Greater
Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce is the opportunity to
have a voice on all levels of government for business
advocacy. Furthermore, your engagement can have a day
to day direct impact on the community. Take the Annual
Cheyenne Christmas Parade for example, this event helps
unite the community and surrounding areas to celebrate
the community while creating memories which last
a lifetime.
PG 58 l
Expanding Your Influence
Who is defending your net? The Chamber
Awareness event was a success in 2014.
Annually, the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of
Commerce’s Board of Directors pave a path on how
to focus the direction of all Chamber Committees
and projects. Considering Cheyenne’s need for
quality education, tax structure, workforce initiatives
and legislation, the Greater Cheyenne Chamber
of Commerce has established a business initiative
for our region to help combat and address issues
that improve these areas. Membership investors
who engage in our Policital Action Committees are
the driving force behind these efforts. Additionally,
committees work collaboratively within the Chamber
to secure the business initiatives. Every strategy,
program and service is created specifically to provide
results that translate directly to benefit members and
our community.
or call 307-638-3388 to learn more
about the 2015 program of work,
committee projects and determine
your next steps for involvement.