Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Business Journal Q1 2014 | Page 6
Dale Steenbergen,
The Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce
have always believed that the highest
calling of a Chamber of Commerce is
to be the Guardian of the local economy. The word Guardian has a lot of
connotations including being ever vigilant
as well as taking action when necessary.
Although the business community understands the need to be Vigilant, there are
certainly those among us that believe
that the Cheyenne Chamber and Chambers around the Country are far from
vigilant guardians and would equate us
more to Vigilantes!! I guess when you
stop and think about it, it’s really nothing
more than a matter of perspective.
The Cheyenne Chamber’s Vigilance
has paid off in spades in the last couple
of years. Time after time, we have reduced taxes and fees or fended off the
attempts to increase these bottom line
draining items. The Chamber believes
that if business is successful, then prosperity will flow through the community to
all segments. It has been proven tim