Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Business Journal Q1 2014 | Page 21
The Greater Cheyenne Area
has grown significantly. Businesses moving to Cheyenne has
helped with a continual growth
in employment, particularly in
the tech and industrial production industries. Businesses will
continue to locate to Wyoming
because of the positive business
“Building Valuation- CommerValuation- Commercial” has significant changes
significant changes
between “2011 to 2013” (195.6%)
“2011 to 2013” (195.6%)
and between “2012 to 2013”
“2012 to 2013”
(-67.9%). The drop between
The drop between
2012-2013 is near 6 million dolnear 6 million dollars and could have been caused
could have been caused
by a number of factors; number
of factors; number
of properties evaluated, considevaluated, considerations of county vs. city and
county vs. city and
Retail Sales has been inRetail Sales has been increasing and this is a postive
creasing and this is a postive
trend to see. That means more
trend to see. That means more
people are shopping locally and/
people are shopping locally and/
or visitors are spending more.
or visitors are spending more.
Retail sales in the 3Q