Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Business Journal and Other Publications Quarter 4 2016 Business Journal | Page 25

ISSUE SPONSOR: STRENGTH IN NUMBERS WELCOME & LET’S GET STARTED AN EXPERIENCE TO REMEMBER Next, comes the party planning! Pick up your calendar and ABIGAIL MARTIN work with our staff to find a date that works for own special Red Carpet opening. Red Carpet events are your very own one-on- When businesses invest in becoming a partner of the Greater one with the public. It’s your chance to show case your business, Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce, we welcome you to our distribute marketing materials, network, and provide an overview network of opportunities in various ways-- starting from day one! of what your business is all about. There are many Red Carpet We want the community to know that you support them, and we Ambassadors that will help you through this. You can host your want you to reap the benefits immediately. The following process Red Carpet wherever you choose and we will do the marketing for takes place once you commit to making the Greater Cheyenne yo. Plus, you get to cut the Red Ribbon to celebrate! area a better place by joining your Chamber: STRAIGHT TO INBOXES LONG LASTING RELATIONSHIP After you have impressed the community with your business and Upon your initial investment into the Chamber, your business is now that everyone in the Chamber knows you, it’s time to show the featured in a “Premier Partner”, our monthly e-newsletter that world. Every year, you will get a new plaque image showing your is specifically for our invested Chamber Partners. This is sent customers and business partners that you are a Greater Cheyenne to thousands of recipients, letting them know that there’s a new Chamber of Commerce partner, and that you have taken the business who is engaged in the Chamber of Commerce. Included opportunity to better your business and city it resides in. is your business contact information so others can even get in touch with you immediately. TRADITION Your induction into the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce never ends. As a partner, you will be introduced to literally hundreds of different ways to get involved, give back, get help, and The introductions don’t stop there! The next step includes a grand so much more! The Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce welcoming at one of our Monthly Chamber Luncheons. You will is your key to unlocking countless resources and opportunites, be awarded with your first Chamber Member plaque in front of all to help your business grow and prosper. Additionally, the hundreds of luncheon attendees. Our chairman will welcome Chamber is your watchdog. You can focus on your business and you to the Chamber and ask to take a picture with you and your while we will work hard to make Cheyenne a better place for plaque—a tradition that has taken place for decades in Cheyenne. business and strengthen its economy. Your investment to join your Chamber is one that will go as far as you wish. Let us help get you on board today! Call 307-638-3388 or e-mail Robin Mosley at [email protected] BUSINESS JOURNAL | 25