Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce Business Journal and Other Publications Quarter 4 2016 Business Journal | Page 20

YOUR GOVERNMENT Friendly FilingE The Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce works at all levels of government to make “doing business” effiecient and effective. Latest updates to the Secretary of States website has been a recent victory and makes us more business friendly. ABIGAIL MARTIN All public business documents can now be searched online and made immediately available for viewing by anyone on the Secretary of State’s website. “This is a game changer for transparency, ease, accessibility, and the retrieval of records Wyoming has always been known as a “business friendly” state. However, until recently, business owners had to file documents the “old fashioned” way, with the Secretary of State. Now, Secretary of State Ed Murray is proud to say that new electronic business filing has eliminated that hassle. These new online services allow for the electronic filing of documents that were previously only paper based. “Our goal in the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Office is to be business friendly and operate at the fast paced and dynamic speed of business, not government,” says Secretary Murray. The Secretary of State’s Business Division has recently launched online business filing tools for the formation of Limited Liability Companies (a business structure that originated in Wyoming) , Profit Corporations, and Nonprofit Corporations. In addition, any registered business entity in good standing may generate an electronic “Certificate of Good Standing” at no cost. “We have found a way to cut the time to process a business filing from five days to about thirty minutes once our business clients choose to use our new online services. We are doubling down on the commitment I made when I first took office to modernize and make our Business Division state-of-the-art,” said Secretary Murray. 20 | Quarter 4 M 2016 that were previously only available through an archaic process,” says Secretary Murray. “These are the types of services that our customers have wanted for years!” added Lisa Gonzales, a 27year veteran of the Secretary of State’s Business Division, when asked about the launch of these new online business services. To access these online services for businesses, visit: