Great Streets for Los Angeles | Page 35

Online Service Portals 3 Improve Customer Service Satisfaction LADOT receives thousands of requests each year and we are working to make it easier to report issues. Using MyLADOT, we will be able to track our progress on resolving requests and monitor our performance on reducing response times. a. Increase the usefulness of existing “MyLADOT” request tracking platform to improve customer service b. Improve District Office response times for public requests Making it easier to access City Hall services LADOT has taken a leading role to improve customer service by developing a number of online service systems. In partnership with the Bureau of Street Services, LADOT developed the Special Events website ( The site pulls together a calendar of special events based on existing permits, handles new permit applications, and provides a database that supports effective multiagency coordination for event management. MyLADOT ( is an online service request system that can be conveniently accessed by smartphone, tablet, or computer. The system provides customers with email updates, and a simple interface to report a problem, including a map to precisely identify the location and the ability to upload photos to show exactly what needs attention. TEAMS, provides a fully automated system for managing temporary no-parking requests from the film industry, for utility installations, and from the public. Investing in these tools streamlines our operations so we can be more responsive to customer requests. 35