Promote Walking and
Bicycling Through
Community Partnerships
We will work to actively attract
Angelenos to give biking a try, as a
healthy, affordable, and sustainable
way to get around LA.
As the LA region continues to grow,
so too does the role of bus transit in
providing mobility. We will expand the
ability for people to access our bus
networks with more Park and Ride
options and better transfers to other
transit services.
a. Develop programs that bring new
users into the system
b. Develop program for bike friendly
business districts
a. Modify existing DASH service to
better serve regional transit stations
b. Increase access to LADOT Commuter
Express routes by expanding the
Park and Ride network
Expand the Network of Bus
Services and Dedicated Bus
LADOT will work with Metro to
implement Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
as a cost-effective way to improve
the speed, reliability, and capacity of
bus service in LA. We will also work
to refine our DASH bus lines, finding
opportunities create new routes and
improve service.
a. Implement Metro’s countywide
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) route plan
within 5 years and Transit Enhanced
Network (TEN) as outlined in the
adopted Mobility Plan 2035
b. Evaluate the need for potential
new DASH routes and develop a
prioritized list of new services
Improve Regional
Connectivity to Bus
Enhance The Experience Of
Bus Passengers
LADOT will work to make the journey
by bus comfortable and convenient
from door to door. We will display
real-time bus arrival information,
enhance the quality and comfort of
stops, and expand electronic payment
options to make it faster and easier to
board the bus.
a. Expand coordinated, real-time,
multi-agency bus arrival information
system and electronic message
b. Coordinate with partner agencies
to improve the quality of bus stops
with amenities
c. Use technology to expand transit
fare payment options
Improve the flow of
Passenger and Freight
In coordination with the Mobility
Plan 2035, LADOT will work to
improve the flow of vehicles on our
streets by thoughtfully managing and
appropriately allocating the available
space from curb to curb. Through
better management of loading and
deliveries, and keeping trucks moving
on designated corridors, goods and
freight will reach their destination
more efficiently.
a. Implement the Vehicle
Enhancement Network (VEN)
outlined in Mobility Plan 2035
b. Reevaluate peak-hour parking
restrictions in areas where curbside
lanes are not used as a legitimate
travel lane
c. Launch an advanced modeling
simulation system, customized to
manage traffic for special events in
d. Develop a freight management
work program to reduce congestion,
especially during peak hours
e. Designate routes for freight vehicles
on city streets in coordination with
f. Develop targeted solutions to stop
illegal freight staging practices
g. Create a program for paid
commercial loading zones
Reduce drive alone trips through enhancing travel
for people who walk, roll, bike, and ride.