Create a
system that
provides safe
and convenient
facilities for all
users and all
Create Great Streets for
Los Angeles
LADOT will be a leader in realizing the
City’s Great Streets initiative, working
together with city agencies and
community partners to implement
short-term improvements on the first
15 Great Street corridors identified –
one for every council district in LA.
a. Coordinate and implement the
City’s Great Streets initiative to help
achieve Mayor’s goals
b. Establish Great Streets art, design,
and cultural placemaking program
See pages 46-50 for more detail on
the strategies in this chapter and
the benchmarks LADOT will use
to measure progress toward
implementing them.
Create a Neighborhood
Traffic Calming Program
Local streets form the core of LA’s
neighborhoods. LADOT will create an
application-based program to improve
the quality of life on these streets
through measures to reduce speeding
and congestion. These streets will be
more peaceful places to live, safer for
children to play, and more conducive
for neighbors to build community.
a. Establish an application-based
program for implementing
neighborhood traffic calming
b. Establish a proactive neighborhood
traffic management program,
using funds from gas taxes and
development impact fees
c. Institute a program for “slow zones”
in targeted areas