Continental Crosswalks
e. Expand toolbox for street designs
f. Implement Leading Pedestrian
Interval (LPI) to give people a head
start to cross the street
g. Implement turn improvements
to reduce conflicts between
pedestrians and vehicles
Making a mark on safety one stripe at a time
Continental crosswalk markings have 2-foot wide stripes painted
perpendicular to the direction of vehicle traffic. They are now the
LADOT standard for all crosswalk markings.
Safety studies have concluded that these markings significantly
improve the visibility of crosswalks and are more effective in
prompting drivers to consistently yield the right-of-way to pedestrians.
There are 19,880 marked crosswalks in the city, and more than 100
have already been repainted with the continental markings. At a
cost of $10,000 on average per crosswalk, we will work to identify
resources to implement more continental crosswalks citywide. As part
of this Strategic Plan, LADOT plans to install continental crosswalks
within 10 days of repaving projects and to identify an additional 100
new priority locations for applying continental crosswalk treatments.