Great Scot May 2020 Great Scot 159_MAY 2020_ONLINE_V3 | Page 54

FOUNDATION THE NEW HUB OF SCOTCH TAKES SHAPE MR TIM SHEARER ('85) DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT, FOUNDATION EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR BELOW: SATURA 1956 — SADLY NUMBER 4 CAME TRUE! NOT ‘FORTY YEARS ON’ … RATHER, SIXTY! Scotch continues to be a busy place, even in the constrained and exceptional circumstances of the effects of the coronavirus on our community, and the absence of boys and most staff from the campus. The Keon-Cohen Dining Hall is now completed, and works are continuing on the Archives Museum and OSCA House Project (incorporating the Scotch Shop), while other renovation projects are well under way or are about to commence in earnest. For more than 60 years the School has been aware of the need to provide better dining facilities for our students on the Senior School campus. The old Tuckshop, designed in 1919 and used since the original Senior School buildings were completed in 1922, has done sterling service, and for generations of boys and staff it has been an institution – as have the staff who have served in it. This month, however, Scotch has moved into a new era, despite the regrettable postponement of the official opening of the Keon-Cohen Dining Hall to a date later in the year. In no time at all, this magnificent centre will cater for our students and staff in a spacious, light-filled environment, with ample seating and modern facilities providing healthy and nutritious options for boys and staff alike. It will also serve as a social hub for students, surrounded as it will soon be by new House Home Rooms. With both indoor and outdoor seating and eating areas, the Dining Hall and St Andrew’s Square precinct will become another major School focal point. Here at Scotch, we have been well aware that the last few years have seen extraordinary development at the School, and the boys and staff have had to withstand the noise and inconvenience of substantial building works, and the impact this has brought to bear on teaching and learning. To their credit, they have accommodated this with considerable flexibility, a practical mindset and an eye, no doubt, on the delicious fare that awaited them when tools were finally downed! One of the things we are most looking forward to is being able to open up the Keon-Cohen Dining Hall after hours to our community to share and enjoy all it has to offer. This will also enable legions of Old Boys who have gone before to finally experience a very different kind of Scotch culinary experience from the one they had while at school – albeit one which was many decades in the making. We take this opportunity to thank all those whose generosity has enabled this momentous project to come to fruition. The magnificent Hawthorn campus that we see today is essentially the result of the ongoing philanthropy and foresight of successive generations of the Scotch community. Special thanks are extended to those whose philanthropy in this instance has enabled the Keon-Cohen Dining Hall to transform a rather tired, outdated corner of the School into a vital new hub. It is a legacy from which all Scotch boys stand to benefit in perpetuity, and on behalf of the Scotch Family, we thank you most sincerely.