Great Scot May 2020 Great Scot 159_MAY 2020_ONLINE_V3 | Page 4

CHAIRMAN HON. DR DAVID KEMP AC SCHOOL COUNCIL CHAIRMAN THE NEW WORLD OF SCHOOLING From classroom to remote teaching and learning Scotch is at the forefront of a historic improvement in schooling, based on a new ability to achieve a more complete understanding of the educational needs of each boy, and by organising schooling in the best way to enable teachers to respond to these needs. The advances made by the School were very evident in its instantaneous switch to online teaching and learning on Tuesday 24 March, following a case of COVID-19 in the Scotch Family. The School is doing everything possible to ensure the safety of boys, families and staff during this pandemic, and I thank parents for the strong support they have offered to assist the School’s response, as the whole teaching staff remain ready and willing to assist all boys with their learning. The goal of meeting the needs of each boy is not new. It remains the School’s top priority during the pandemic. The constitution of the School clearly states that its goal in relation to the boys is ‘to encourage each student to achieve the highest standard of which he is capable in all his activities, and the full development of the personality and sense of responsibility of each student’. Our response to COVID-19 will continue to be focused on this goal, 2 Great Scot Issue 159 – May 2020 albeit in this transformed teaching and learning environment. The developments that have given Scotch the capacity to more fully understand the needs of each student have been both technical and organisational. On the technical side, the School now brings together substantial information on boys’ various abilities and strengths across their school years, so that it is in a position to monitor aptitudes and needs. In the online environment, teachers remain alert to the responses of each student, and are able to respond to varying needs, and to develop tailored responses. Scotch teachers have been magnificent in their response to the pandemic. The quality of teaching is, of course, fundamental to successful learning, and the School is very proud of its teaching staff, and their capacity to respond to each student. This quality is supported by new methods of professional development, through which Scotch teachers are encouraged to develop their own interests and passions in ways that will further broaden the boys’ education. Our Principal, Tom Batty, has brought to Scotch a deep understanding of the educational process, and the way in which the professional development of teachers,