Great Scot May 2020 Great Scot 159_MAY 2020_ONLINE_V3 | Page 26

SCHOOL CAPTAIN CHISEL OUT YOUR OWN SCOTCH IDENTITY This is an edited extract of School Captain William Dixon’s address at Assembly early in Term 1 In the final days of last year, I asked myself what the beginning of the new decade would hold. Looking back at the past 10 years, a lot has obviously changed. Technology has continued to change the way we live, Brexit happened (sort of), terrorism in all forms wreaked havoc across the world, climate change has increasingly become a serious threat, and the host of a reality TV show became President of the United States. I think it’s pretty safe to say that anything could happen in the new decade. Certainly the many unknowns of the future can be daunting. I know in my experience, leaving Scotch for what I thought was the last time was exciting but equally overwhelming – will the choices I make be good ones? Will I enter a course I enjoy? Will the friends I have had for six years be the same next year? And yet, returning to the School I love for Year 13, I know there are many things which will not change simply because the calendar has ticked over. Each of us enters the new decade older, and I hope wiser, than we’ve been before; each with new challenges to overcome and new ambitions to fulfil. For every single one of you, whatever 2020 holds for you will be completely different from the person sitting next to you. You are all unique, setting a different path to navigate in your time at Scotch, however rocky or smooth that may be. Without the diversity and energy that each of you brings to this place, Scotch would not exist as we know it. The boys bring the spark that allows the Scotch flame to burn strongly. Not all of you will play in every first team, neither will you all achieve top marks in every subject you take – I certainly didn’t. There is no Scotch 26 Great Scot Issue 159 – May 2020 mould, no bronze sculpture of the ideal Scotch boy – instead it is up to each of you to embrace as many opportunities as you can in your time at this School, and leave this place feeling as if you have chiselled out your own Scotch identity. However, despite all our individual quirks and differences, we share a great deal. We are all incredibly fortunate to be students at this School, with vast and varied opportunities and resources at our disposal. We all have hopes, fears and dreams for the future; and most importantly I would like to think that Scotch is a place where every single one of us feels comfortable, and knows that whatever happens there will be a supportive community for us to fall back on, to be completely open with, and most importantly one in which every person looks out for each other in the normal ups and downs of growing up. We are all part of a strong, vibrant community: we look out for each other, study together, run together, play together, row together, sing together – we do things together, which gives us our strength. But we are just a small community within a much broader one, and we do need to look beyond ourselves and the Monash Gates to understand and contribute to the wider world. Whether that involves constantly questioning the injustices, inequalities and stigmas of our society or proactively helping those in need, we have an important role in helping to shape the next decade, not only at Scotch but also in our broader society. Embrace all the time you have at Scotch, and whatever 2020 may hold, I hope it is a stimulating, healthy and exciting year for you all. TOP: SENIOR SCHOOL CAPTAIN WILLIAM DIXON AND JUNIOR SCHOOL CAPTAIN NICK HOWITT SHARE A LAUGH. BOTTOM: LEFT TO RIGHT: VICE CAPTAIN DARREN TAN, SCHOOL CAPTAIN WILLIAM DIXON AND CAPTAIN OF THE HILL TOM CAINE