Great Scot May 2020 Great Scot 159_MAY 2020_ONLINE_V3 | Page 14

MIDDLE SCHOOL PURSUING THE INTERESTS OF YOUNG MINDS A year of great opportunities unfolds for our Year 7 boys MS KATRINA STALKER HEAD OF MIDDLE SCHOOL BOYS ENJOYING A BEACH GAME DURING A TRANSITION CAMP AT COWES 14 Great Scot The academic year started with a ‘welcome’ service in Memorial Hall, introducing our Year 7 boys and other new boys and their parents to our School. Year 7 boys Sam Steele and Tom Groom spoke of what they hoped to achieve throughout Year 7, setting the scene for a year in which boys are encouraged to give new opportunities a go. The annual Scotch Parents’ Association Year 7 family barbecue was held in beautiful weather, and provided a great opportunity for parents and boys to mingle with and get to know other families. The Year 7 Transition Camps at Cowes, recognised as a significant signpost in the lives of Scotch boys, were once again highly successful in settling the boys into their form groups and helping cement new friendships, as boys participated in a range of activities designed to promote camaraderie, teamwork and a spirit of adventure. Boys could get to know their teachers outside a classroom environment, and teachers could recognise boys’ individual interests and unique personalities. During the camps, although the weather was not as hot this year as in the past, boogie boarding and sailing were just as enjoyable, as were snorkelling and mini-golf. Among the busy program of activities at camp there was opportunity for conversations between the boys, enabling them to discover those who shared similar interests and passions. All transition activities into the Senior School are specifically designed to help boys meet other like-minded individuals and forge strong and enduring relationships. This year, a further initiative in assisting boys to develop friendships and participate in activities in which they have a shared interest is the establishment of a number of clubs which operate during lunchtimes. Robotics, coding and chess are just some of the clubs which are currently thriving at Scotch. As the Year 7s continued to find their feet the Year 8s were well settled, and many of them were contributing to the success of the new clubs. Two Year 8 boys – Joshua Symons and William Chen – have taken the initiative to introduce a new club. They are teaching other boys the ins and outs of how to solve the Rubik’s cube at speed. These speed cubes are now all the go, and advice on effective techniques is being enthusiastically shared among the boys. It’s a pleasure to witness boys solving the cube in under 30 seconds. However, the most significant aspect of the revival of the Rubik’s cube is the passion the boys have shown in sharing their knowledge with each other. The introduction of a number of peer-led clubs, run by the Year 11 Peer Leaders with the Year 7 cohort, promises to be as successful as the Rubik’s cube and chess clubs in inspiring the younger boys to pursue and share their interests. Some of the other clubs currently on offer include appreciation of music, movies, sport, maths and investment. The emphasis is on peer-led activities, with teachers taking a supporting role. The last week of Term 1 became our first week of teaching the boys online, using our Learning Management System, Canvas. It was a challenging week but we have received very positive reports from boys, teachers and parents about the lessons delivered. In this time of remote learning it is important for the boys to remain connected to their school. Form teachers have also reached out to the boys during this time, with boys responding positively. Through a new section on the School website, ‘Keeping Scotch Connected’, the School Captain, Chaplain and Principal have all been in contact with the boys to help keep them connected and active. It is reassuring to realise we have a strongly supportive Scotch community to stand with us during these challenging times.