' The best way to predict the future is to create it .' - Abraham Lincoln
One of the most interesting and perhaps challenging parts of being true to yourself is really working out who you are ; that is also in many ways the key to unlocking what the future you want to create for yourself looks like . Part of the journey of adolescence is this forming of self ; identifying passions , values , forming a moral compass and trying new things to see how they fit this growing sense of self .
Scotch ' s Future Pathways Program allows boys the time and space to articulate this developing self , and exploring it through profiling and other tools is designed to support this journey to goodness and truth . We also know that the strongest influence on this understanding of self is the way that parents and the world around them promote certain key characteristics , values and interests / activities .
This is why regular conversations around their future are so important at home , so that boys can begin to map and match their values with their ambitions , their passions with a course or possible area of work , and begin to solidify their understanding of self . Some of the ways we can support boys in this is by promoting SMART goal-setting and life mapping .
What are SMART goals ?
There are five criteria that SMART goals should meet . These are :
1 . Specific : Clearly defined objectives that spell out what you aim to achieve .
2 . Measurable : Quantifiable goals that allow you to track your progress .
3 . Attainable : Goals that are challenging yet achievable , ensuring you ' re not setting yourself up for failure .
4 . Relevant : Objectives that align with your broader aims and values . 5 . Time-bound : Goals that come with a deadline and promote effective time management .
The best SMART goals are those that are closely aligned with your own broader aims , serving as stepping stones towards your ultimate goal . They should challenge you while still being achievable . These goals should be easily measurable and manageable . For example , if career development in hospitality is a priority , an excellent SMART goal could be ' to complete an responsible service of alcohol course within the next six months .'
Once you have set some SMART goals around your interests , studies and values , you may like to map them as a visual representation of all these parts of your life coming together ; known as a ‘ life map ’. If you aren ’ t sure where to start , brainstorm the things that are most important to you in your future and the things that are worrying you . How can you use your goals to help you create a future you are excited about and motivated to achieve ?
What is life mapping ?
Life mapping is a holistic approach to personal development , encompassing various aspects of life , including career , relationships , health , finances , and personal growth . By creating a visual representation of your aspirations and goals , you can gain clarity and focus on what truly matters to you .
A life map provides a tangible representation of your goals , making it questions to ask your future self
Thinking about our future goals can help us choose the actions we should be taking right now . Once you have the answers to these questions , you can decide what you can do now to make this future a reality .
What words do you use to describe the person you want to become ?
Where does your future self live ?
What job is your future self doing ?
How much does your future self earn ? easier to track your progress and hold yourself accountable . Seeing your achievements mapped out can boost your motivation and encourage you to persevere , even during challenging times .
Life map examples
What does a typical day for your future self look like ?
What sorts of things does your future self enjoy ?
How does your future self handle problems ?
What do other people say about your future self ?
What has your future self achieved ?
What does your future self think of the world they live in ?
Pyramid : Your ultimate goal is at the apex ; the steps towards that goal start at the base and work upwards .
Timeline : You picture yourself attaining your goals through the years , one after another .
Five-pointed star : Your highest goal is at the middle point of the star , the foundations are the two lower points , and secondary goals are the two higher points .
Circle : Your life is cut into different segments , each its own goal .
Tree : The roots , trunk , branches and fruits symbolise the birth , growth and realisation of your dreams .
When creating your life map , it ’ s crucial to be honest with yourself about your goals , strengths , and weaknesses . Acknowledge your limitations and don ’ t set unrealistic expectations . By being truthful , you ’ ll create a more accurate and achievable life map .
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