1937 . It is no coincidence that its instigation coincided with the arrival that year of Scotch ’ s inaugural Director of Music , Lionel Albert Jack ( John ) Bishop , who was the first to establish music as a serious subject and pastime in the life of Scotch .’
‘ The August 1937 issue of The Scotch Collegian reported that : “ This term work has begun on the House Music Teams . About 150 boys are musicians of varying ability , so the Houses will be able to field good teams . Each will consist of five units , including a treble choir of 15 voices . The first contest may be held at the end of this term … Great interest has been shown in the scheme , which should provide for some fine entertainment and relaxation for exam-burdened souls ”’.
As our current House Choral competition takes place at the very
beginning of the academic year , its serene nature undoubtedly still fulfills that calming role before the busy year ahead .
And for those interested in results , Paul Mishura added that ‘ Gardiner House ( renamed Gilray in 1953 ) won the first contest , but for most of the period that Littlejohn was the House for all boarders , Littlejohn boys dominated the competition .
The competition has not been held every year , and in some years the results are unknown . It has been held in different formats , including separate choral and instrumental competitions , but remains a competition that is keenly and enjoyably battled out .’
For anyone walking around the school during form time , a cacophony of voices , sometimes accompanying instruments , can be heard from traditional classrooms , in a special session inside Memorial Hall or on the steps of the James Forbes Academy .
The boys are well aware that the competition is not just in the singing , so once the harmonies and melodies have been well honed , students also spend time practising their best entrance and exit performance from stage , their poise , and obviously ensuring their shirt top-buttons are done up and ties neatly tied !
Dr John Ferguson shared his views on the 2024 competition : ‘ The competition this year displayed some really good quality performances . There was a greater emphasis on dynamic contrast than in previous years , and considerable use of part singing and harmony .
The adjudicator , Kevin Kelley , Head of Voice at Trinity Grammar School , was particularly impressed with one House that
16 Great Scot Issue 171 – Edition 1 2024