Great Scot_Issue 171_Edition 1_2024 Great Scot_Issue 171_Edition 1_2024 | Page 11

does the love of goodness . I would love to listen in on lessons exploring what makes something good . I would love to hear a class exploring what it means to be good . Is anyone good ?
Or similarly , what might a lesson devoted to exploring beauty look like ? Imagine learning that pursues beauty in poetry , mathematics , music , art , science , human movement and so on , or our boys speaking about what they have learnt as being beautiful ; I know some of our boys already do .
An education committed to beauty , goodness and truth is one that I believe demands deep and complex thinking . I also believe such learning engenders wonder . Here , lessons generate genuine amazement and curiosity , and our boys become hungry to continue independent inquiry because their learning has created a desire to know more .
I think wonder also generates reflection , or ‘ wow ’ moments , and the beauty of new knowledge is appreciated in and of itself . I think learning framed around beauty , goodness and truth is naturally crossdisciplinary and one that ultimately can enlighten young men to shape a better future .
As we witness the rapidly changing landscape around the world across Western democracies , I want Scotch boys engaged in and leading debates about the big ideas of Western civilisation ; how we will maintain a positive vision of freedom in the future . We do so many wonderful and amazing things at Scotch . However , we must be alert to the many pressures arising from today ’ s world that would love to pull down our foundations , traditions and Christian heritage , and set us on the path of a homogenised , standardised ‘ thin ’ model of education .
Through an education that prioritises beauty , goodness and truth , I want our boys to be challenged to pursue what is beautiful , good and true so that ultimately , through their intellect and character , they stand for freedom that is inextricably connected to truth , deeply embedded in community and orientated towards serving others . A Scotch education can free our boys from being enslaved to so many things we see today .
I do think it is beholden on us to possess a shared vision and passion for why we do what we do at Scotch . What ultimately is our purpose ? In seeking to advance learning that appreciates beauty , pursues goodness , and discerns truth , we want to agitate for a thicker vision of learning for our boys . In pursuing this vision , we desire ultimately that each boy becomes free to truly flourish . I look forward to continuing this conversation with you . www . scotch . vic . edu . au Great Scot 9