Great Scot December 2023 Great Scot 170_December 2023_E-MAG_new | Page 27

However , we are hoping that you can make a huge difference in the future . We are very sorry about the state the world is in . Our generation , along with previous ones , has not really looked after or respected our world . However , as future leaders , you can all make a difference and work together to produce a better world .
It is our hope that by collaborating and thinking of the future , we can all live together in harmony , and the problems we are currently facing will one day be solved , making the world a better place for future generations .’ Here are two Year 5 boys ’ reflections on World in Crisis : ‘ The aim of the World in Crisis game is to help students understand that “ the future is not a result of choices among alternative paths offered by the present , but a place that is created – created first in the mind and will , and created next through activity . The future is not some place we are going to , but one we are creating . The paths are not to be found , but made , and the activity of making them , changes both the maker and the destination ." John Schaar ( American political theorist )
The World in Crisis game was amazing , because not only did the boys get to improve their problem-solving skills , but were able to collaborate , which is one thing we are all working on . Plus , World in Crisis made us realise what it truly is to be a stakeholder in such crucial decisions .
The problems in World in Crisis aren ’ t made up ; they are real world problems ! This game pushed our thinking and research skills through the roof , because the problems aren ’ t easy to solve .
The game was made more interesting by the fact that all of the nations were different . Purple Nation was the biggest and richest , having the biggest army and being full of minerals . On the other end , Grey was dull , mountainous and poor , struggling to survive . It needs to sell its fish for a profit or the economy will die .
Next came Orange , a warm and tropical place devoted to fishing . Sadly , a lot of their forests were being cut down due to
farmers wanting more agricultural land . Then there was Yellow , a place full of deserts , where just finding enough water to survive was essential . Finally , Green was another alternative , which specialised in solar power and wind turbines , making a very small contribution to its carbon footprint .
I believe this is what everyone should strive for , because we are creating a lot of problems with our planet Earth .’ SEBASTIAN KHAW
‘ World in Crisis was very enjoyable . This is because we had the chance to expand our collaborative skills . We did this by solving different scenarios with other people . Also being in the United Nations , we could talk to other prime ministers about what we were going to do on the day for our country . We could also challenge ourselves to solve the variety of scenarios that were given to everybody .
Having a role in the United Nations was challenging for me , and that made me do my best every time . There were five nations in the game : Orange Nation , Green Nation , Purple Nation , Grey Nation and Yellow Nation . There was the United Nations and the World Bank .
In the five game days we had , we were all able to achieve and solve quite a few different scenarios which everyone contributed to . It was fun solving the scenario the first time . When it was not solved at the start , we all learnt from our mistakes and improved .’ KIRAN BIEN
Students soon realise that ‘ The scarcest resource is not oil , metals , clean air , water , capital , labour , or technology . It is our willingness to listen to each other and learn from each other and to seek the truth rather than seek to be right .’ Donella Meadows ( American environmentalist and educator )
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