Great Scot December 2019 Great Scot 158_December_ONLINE | Page 57

DEVELOPMENT DR ALAN WATKINSON ACTING DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT, FOUNDATION EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ABOVE: SCHOOL COUNCILLORS INSPECTING WORK ON THE KEON-COHEN DINING HALL. BELOW: THE DINING HALL TAKES SHAPE THREE VERY BUSY MONTHS A huge amount of work has been completed on the Keon-Cohen Dining Hall and the magnificent square which will link it with the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre for Science, while providing enviable views over the Meares Oval to the Yarra. Inside the Dining Hall, the seating areas and the focal point huge TV screen are now well defined, as is the mezzanine area. The kitchens are ready for their fit-out and both the inside and outside spaces are starting to assume their ultimate form and purpose. The square itself provides an important link to the Centre for Science, while offering various entry points to the Dining Hall itself and to the surrounding House Home Rooms. The flurry of activity will continue throughout the summer holidays to ensure that everything is ready for the formal opening of the Dining Hall next year. We extend our gratitude to everyone who has helped this vitally important facility and space become a reality some 80 years after its need was first identified. The last three months of the year have been incredibly busy as we prepare for the major transformation over at 2-6 Morrison Street. OSCA House has really taken shape with the new offices, meeting rooms and other facilities all being carefully defined and most of the infrastructure nearing completion. The Archives Museum is also nearing its structural completion. The Ramsay Collection has been moved to storage in readiness for its new specially designed home. The museum spaces are currently being carefully worked through to provide a historic perspective of Scotch, as well as displaying interesting and sometimes very rare or unique memorabilia. Plans are well under way for the significant AV display units to provide both continuous and interactive displays, which will be a wonderful teaching and learning facility for everyone who visits, from prospective students and their parents through to our oldest Old Boys. The final stage of this tripartite project is the School Shop, incorporating the Swap Shop. Again, the infrastructure is well developed to provide this one-stop centre for all Scotch boys – including ‘click and collect’ facilities for all items of school uniform and equipment. We believe that this will be yet another demonstration of Scotch leading the way across all independent schools in Victoria, and we know that we are being carefully observed by many of our colleagues. The ‘Hub’ is due to open next April, so watch out for further updates.