Great Scot December 2019 Great Scot 158_December_ONLINE | Page 45

LEFT PAGE: WILMA AND FRIENDS PERFORMING THE FINAL SCOTCHARTS CONCERT FOR 2019. THIS PAGE, CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: THE INTERMEDIATE ORCHESTRA PERFORMING THE TYPEWRITER; JAMES DE ROZARIO CONDUCTING; JAMES DE ROZARIO WITH THE HENRI TOUZEAU STRING ORCHESTRA attending the concert. One of the reasons for the ScotchArts season is to give our boys the chance to hear, and indeed watch, professional musicians in action. One can learn so much. Pianist Samuel Zong, LMusA (Year 11), deserves special mention for entertaining the audience in the foyer prior to the concerts in this year’s season. He sets the mood beautifully. Still to come, at the time of writing, is the Summer Prom and Carol Service – but you can read about them in the next edition of Great Scot! JOHN FERGUSON – DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Great Scot 45