Great Scot December 2019 Great Scot 158_December_ONLINE | Page 43

LEFT: SAMUEL ZONG (YEAR 11) PLAYS THE LISZT PIANO CONCERTO WITH THE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: YUKI GOH (YEAR 12) AND THE ORCHESTRA PERFORM RODRIGO’S CONCIERTO DE ARANJUEZ; THE MILITARY BAND PLAYS HERNANDEZ’S EL CUMBANCHERO; THE COLLEGE CHOIR FILLS THE STAGE; JOSHUA MENG (YEAR 12) SINGS A SOLO. from Yuki Goh, Alex Daley (Year 11) and Alex Paterson (Year 12). Sir Duke kicked off with thick horn melodies played in perfect unison, as the vibrant, swinging mood continued to grow. The College Choir filled the stage, and captivated the audience with the opening of Faurè’s Cantique de Jean Racine. Runestad’s Nyon Nyon followed, with the choir delivering a bold and playful performance filled with unconventional and exciting colours and textures. The College Choir dispersed and the Chamber Choir remained to sing Arnesen’s Even When He is Silent. The hauntingly beautiful melodies rang out under Andrew Hunter’s wonderfully expressive conducting. Then the mood took an exciting turn as the Chamber Choir began their spirited performance of The Lion Sleeps Tonight, which included wonderful solos from Alex Law and Oscar Ng (both Year 12), along with some choreography to deliver a bit of comic relief. Marching onto the stage with commanding prowess, the Military Band delivered an electrifying performance of Hernandez’s El Cumbanchero. The precisely executed rhythms, melodies and synchronised movements were spectacular. The Drumline impressed with a dramatic array of fast-paced rhythms and perfectly timed marching to Campbell Phillips’ (‘06) arrangement of Last Minute Madness. A haunting drone signalled the beginning of a provocative performance from the Pipe Band. Through clouds of smoke and into a soft blue light, the performers entered the stage one by one. The audience enjoyed a thrilling performance of Mark Saul’s original piece, In the Valley of Glencoe. The bagpipes rang out in glorious splendour as mallets twirled and struck the drums with precision. The Symphony Orchestra took to the stage once again to accompany the School Choir in vigorous performances of the College Song and the Boating Song. The audience joined in with gusto as our traditional songs rang out through Hamer Hall. A Scottish medley arranged by John Ferguson included stunning orchestrations accompanying traditional songs as the School Choir performed the well-known songs. To conclude an invigorating final bracket, the Symphony Orchestra delighted us with a lively rendition of Mason Williams’ Classical Gas. Boys and staff involved in this year’s Foundation Day Concert can take pride in the commitment, skill and passion that made this spectacular event possible. DANIEL ZISIN – MUSIC STAFF Great Scot 43