Great Scot December 2019 Great Scot 158_December_ONLINE | Page 28

NEWS FROM LEFT: JASON CHAN, MAX FAN, RONAN AHL, ANDRE RAMETTA, EDWARD SONG, NICHOLAS KLUCKOW, CHRISTOPHER O’CONNELL, ALEX MEGGITT, RICHARD LIU, RYAN AHL (ABSENT NEEL PAWAR, ANDRES BURITICA MONROY) ‘BROADENING HORIZONS AND CHALLENGING MY THINKING’ Two Scotch boys reflect on the positive impact of debating 28 Great Scot Issue 158 – December 2019 ‘What does debating mean to you, and how has it helped to shape you as a person?’ That was the question posed to Alex Meggitt (Year 10) and Andre Rametta (Year 11). Alex was a member of the Scotch C1 team, grand finalists in C Grade of the Debaters Association of Victoria 2019 Schools Competition. The team also comprised Year 10 boys Ryan Ahl, Andres Buritica Monroy, Max Fan and Richard Liu. Andre was a member of Scotch B1, the champion team in B grade of the DAV 2019 Schools Competition. The other members of the team were Year 11 boys Jason Chan, Nicholas Kluckow and Neel Pawar. ALEX MEGGITT said: ‘This year 130 boys from Scotch participated in the Debaters Association of Victoria (DAV) Schools Competition. Comprised of over 250 schools and 1500 teams from around the state,