Great Scot December 2019 Great Scot 158_December_ONLINE | Page 21

‘AN ACTIVE AND ENGAGED YOUNG MAN’ TAKES THE 2019 PERELBERG AWARD HUDSON LEVINE WITH HIS SILVER REPLICA OF THE PERELBERG AWARD’S SILVER SCULPTURE. OTHERS IN THE PHOTO ARE THE PRINCIPAL, TOM BATTY (LEFT), JUSTIN PERELBERG (’90 – REPRESENTING THE PERELBERG FAMILY), AND HUDSON’S PARENTS, MRS REGINA LEVINE AND MR ADAM LEVINE. Hudson Levine (Year 12), a boy the Principal describes as ‘a sincere and mature young man’, who ‘exhorts others to play to their strengths for their own success, and that of the broader team’, is a worthy winner of the 2019 Perelberg Award. The award, presented annually since 1993, is granted one year to a current student or to one who left in the previous year, and the next to an Old Scotch Collegian. The key criterion for the award is that the recipient has shown ‘exemplary Scotch Spirit’. The award honours the memory of Ashley Perelberg from the Class of 1992, a boy who fully exemplified ‘Scotch Spirit’. Ashley tragically died of a heart attack at the age of 18 in his first year of university study. Ashley’s family presented a silver sculpture depicting the penguin parade at Phillip Island, which was inspired by Ashley’s devotion to the annual Scotch-at- Cowes summer camps on Phillip Island. The winner of the Perelberg Award receives a silver replica of this sculpture. Announcing Hudson Levine as the Perelberg Award winner, School Principal Tom Batty said throughout his Scotch journey, which began in 2015 in Year 8, Hudson had acted in ways that had influenced for the greater good, without thought of reward or recognition, and had put the needs and interests of others before his own. Mr Batty said Hudson had proven himself to be a conscientious, interested and hardworking student, winning an Academic prize for Excellence in Design Technology in Enterprise in Year 10. ‘Beyond the classroom, Hudson has been involved in tennis, for which he was awarded Half Colours in 2018, and football, receiving Full Colours in both 2018 and 2019,’ Mr Batty said. ‘Hudson has also involved himself in the Debating programme, and he was a Peer Support Leader in Year 10, a role that saw him working closely with a group of Year 7 boys, helping them settle into their new environment. ‘This year saw Hudson appointed to the positions of Prefect and Captain of Forbes House, giving evidence to the regard in which he is held by his peers and the younger boys in his House. Hudson also spent his first year at Scotch as a member of the boarding community. ‘Hudson is a sincere and mature young man with a strong sense of his own identity. Rather than promote himself, he exhorts others to play to their strengths for their own success and that of the broader team. ‘In his role as House Captain and Prefect, Hudson has led by example, shown great integrity in all that he has done, and been prepared to give of his own time for the benefit of the individual and the House. As one teacher commented: “Hudson carries a generosity of spirit, a concern for justice, and a willingness to engage with new ideas, listen to the views of others, and work hard for the benefit of the wider community”. As another teacher put it: “Hudson is a generous, kind and spirited companion to those around him, and can be relied upon for his ability to set a positive tone in all that he does.” ‘Hudson is proud of his Jewish heritage and is actively engaged in the Chabad House of Malvern, where he has given of his time during key festivals throughout the year. Realising sport is an important vehicle around which social cohesion and harmony can be built, Hudson, through his strong connection with the Ajax Football Club, was a participant in the recent Jolson/Houli Unity Cup match, which saw two teams from the Jewish and Muslim communities play a game of AFL at the MCG with the aim of celebrating peace. ‘As can be seen from this resume, and as expressed by one of his nominators for this award, Hudson is an extremely active and engaged young man, possessing a strong social conscience, and at all times demonstrating a willingness to get involved in community, not for any plaudits or social kudos, but rather for the benefit of those around him. ‘Hudson has, over the past five years, sought to make a difference through his endeavours and actions, supporting those things that need supporting and challenging those things that need challenging. ‘I am sure you would agree that Hudson fully exemplifies Scotch Spirit and is indeed a worthy recipient of this year’s Perelberg Award.’ Great Scot 21