Great Scot 169_September_2023_E-MAG | Page 51

in drama , the privilege of such a wonderful facility is a gift we will never forget .
Although the technical aspects were enthralling , the heart of the play was the cast and the staff who helped to shape the play . Our skilled director Ms Cavoli , who held the play together , had enlisted the most competent bunch of Year 8s from both MLC and Scotch to portray some of the wackiest characters ever written . She managed all aspects of the play with great poise , orchestrating us students into a capable cast . Although behind the scenes we were a chaotic jumble of crazy personalities , on stage , we were brilliant – if we do say so ourselves . We complemented each other ’ s abilities , immersing ourselves into our roles . With our dedication and the assistance of our director and the gracious staff , we turned a mere script into a captivating play .
Furthermore , we were able to develop new friendships and strengthen ones from before . Having the opportunity to experience these things with people who all shared a common passion for drama was also something truly special . Our rehearsals and everyone ’ s dedication formed a bond that held us all together . If a problem arose , we solved it together , and when something went right , we celebrated as one .
For four months the play was our life . All our time went into memorising lines , blocking and trying to better our performances . So , when the time came to perform , we put it all out on the stage . Each laugh and applause from the audience spurred us on , until we reached the end of the final show . We all came tumbling out from backstage , in disbelief that the end had come so fast . We knew that the last line had been spoken ; and every last emotion had been portrayed . There was nothing left for us to give . And so , with the lights bright in our faces , we smiled and took a bow . It was the end of the journey , and each one of us was proud that we were a part of something so magical .
www . scotch . vic . edu . au Great Scot 49