as a languages teacher in NSW , had two children and moved to Melbourne in 2011 .
What are your roles at Scotch ?
When I first came to Scotch I had been appointed as the Head of Languages and Director of the Language and Culture Centre , a role which I held for seven years and thoroughly enjoyed . Scotch has such an extensive and well-supported languages program , and I feel privileged to have worked closely with such an expert team of Language teachers , Language Assistants and in the Community Education Program together with Sophie Musci . Prior to this year I was also a tutor in Gilray House .
This year , while I continue to teach Italian , I have embarked on the role of Chief of Staff and Child Protection Officer . It is early days , but I am learning so much and loving it ! I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity to work with teaching and non-teaching staff in both the Junior and Senior Schools .
What do you like most about your work at Scotch ? There are so many things which I enjoy about working at Scotch , so it is really hard to narrow it down to just one thing ; but on reflection , sitting at the core of all of them is relationships – I love working together with students , parents and with teaching and non-teaching staff both in the Junior and Senior School . There is so much satisfaction in collaborating with others to come up with new ideas or to refine existing ones in the pursuit of excellence – be that in the classroom or beyond .
Interview : KRISTY IRWIN
Please tell us about your experiences before you started at Scotch .
I grew up in the Blue Mountains in NSW . When I was at school , my plans had been to pursue a career in either medicine or law . However , going on exchange to Italy when I was 16 completely changed my worldview : it became clear that following my passion for languages was important to me .
Without any idea of where my studies might ultimately lead to career-wise , I completed a Bachelor of Arts at the University of Sydney with a focus on languages , including studies in Italian , French , German and Indigenous Languages . Towards the end of my Arts degree I decided to pursue a career in secondary education and I ’ m so happy that I did .
Not long after graduating , my husband and I moved to Birmingham , England where I worked as a teacher for three years before coming back to Australia . I then continued to work
What are some of your favourite Scotch memories ? One of my favourite memories is accompanying students on the study tour to China together with Dr Jixing Xu . It was incredibly rewarding to witness students putting their language skills to the test in country and making connections with students in our partner schools . Similarly , the moment when Scotch boys return from in country exchanges and excitedly recount their experiences is really special .
Another favourite memory would be taking the Year 10 Italian students to Brunswick South Primary School and to the Trieste Social Club . The experience was all about community connections and bringing the language learnt in the classroom to life in the community . The students read books they had written in Italian to the Prep students at the Trieste Social Club and met Italian migrants who shared their stories with them . It was such a memorable day !
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