Great Scot 165_April_ONLINE | Page 18



As it is each year , only individual students and families can set accomplishment to circumstance . Only they truly know how talent and effort have married with opportunity amidst the slings and arrows . After two years of uncertainty punctuated with separation and restriction , this assumes particular resonance . We have all had time to ponder and set achievements such as those we now celebrate in broader context . Such reflection forms habits that linger longer
than test results ; habits that give purpose to stride when stepping through the doors pushed open by examination scores .
In such spirit we celebrate this fine accomplishment across the rich canvas of our non-selective entry . The details below summarise results , but no tabulation , time sequenced or otherwise , could attempt to capture the individual quirks and contributions of the Class of 2021 . Such intrinsic qualities need to be experienced first-hand .
Future paths will be as rich and varied as the personalities and talents of those now stepping out charged to challenge , support and do their bit .
The wit , vitality and love of many are invested in such cause . My thanks and congratulations go to all involved : boys , members of staff and parents .
To the Class of 2021 : your unity , virtuosity and good-humoured conversation will be dearly missed . Through testing times , your purpose ,
18 Great Scot Issue 165 – April 2022