Great Scot 165_April_ONLINE | Page 11

While some school principals might feel it below them to get down and dirty with the younger boys , this was never the case with Tom . I recall vividly one occasion in 2020 during one period of remote learning , when Tom came up to visit the small number of boys who were learning at school due to parents being required workers .
He dropped into the Prep rooms at a time when some of the boys were involved in a game of concentration with playing cards . Tom quickly joined in the game with one young lad and , having lost several times , suggested that he was being swindled by a five-year-old card shark !
Tom was also happy to be the brunt of a joke , as evidenced by his willing participation in one of Mr McScience ’ s crazy experiments during one of the 2021 remote learning periods . Very few Principals would be happy to publicly ‘ let down their guard ’ in such a manner .
Tom Savill :
Can you describe any occasions which highlighted Mr Batty ’ s clear passion for the education of the whole student ?
Jon Abbott : The Junior School is always a very busy place , and most weeks there seems to be some sort of event taking place , whether that be in sports , music , drama , German or a myriad of other areas . Tom would be there to support the efforts of the boys . He and his wife Lee loved attending Junior School music concerts , and regularly took their place in the front row of the balcony of the Ian Roach Hall , loudly applauding the boys ’ performances at the end of each and every concert .
If Tom were to pass through the Junior School playgrounds where ball games were in action , he would often join in with the boys for a period , especially if the game involved a particular round ball that is close to his heart . The boys were always impressed with his dexterity with the skills of the ‘ world game ’.
Tom Savill :
Were there moments where Mr Batty had a direct opportunity to teach the Junior School boys and guide their learning ?
Jon Abbott :
Junior School Assemblies take place each Monday , with all boys from Prep to Year 6 in attendance , and whenever Tom was able to attend one of the Assemblies , he would take opportunity to address the boys . His messages were always clear and simple for the boys to understand , and provided insight into his beliefs about what was truly important about being a young boy : enjoy life , find those things that bring you joy and throw yourself into them , try your hardest and always treat others with kindness . These are the basic ideals by which Tom leads his own life , and form the guiding principles of his ethos about schools and education .
Tom Savill :
How did you benefit from your professional relationship with Mr Batty ?
Jon Abbott :
Over my time as the Junior School Headmaster , I consider myself very fortunate to have worked so closely with Tom . Initially , I was in awe of him for his amazing intellect and strong sense of purpose . As our relationship developed and I got to know him better as a person as well as a leader , I came to greatly respect and admire Tom for his leadership style . He empowers others to try new ideas and have the courage to test out their visions ; he has a firm belief in what boys need for an excellent education , and is driven to do all he can to provide it ; and , most importantly , he is caring and compassionate whenever members of our School community are in need . Tom is always ready to provide whatever support he can offer when others are experiencing times of difficulty or sadness .
Tom Savill :
From your perspective , what legacy does Mr Batty leave once he finishes at Scotch ?
Jon Abbott :
In all aspects of his leadership at Scotch , taking our School from being a very good school to becoming a truly great school , comparable with any across the globe , Tom has been determined , focused , extremely hard working and inspirational . The Scotch Junior School has benefited greatly from his influence and support during his Principalship , and the impact he has made will be evident for many years to come . We are all indebted to Tom Batty for all he has done over the past 15 years .
Tom Savill :
I have certainly felt very fortunate to have spent time working with , and learning from , Mr Batty . I have learnt of the many aspects of Scotch that have become richer for his influence .
However , the lasting impact on me is his humanistic approach . He has a deep understanding of the community , a strong desire to support all within it , and the flexibility of academic and emotional intelligence to connect authentically with everyone . Oh … and he is a Brentford supporter . There aren ’ t many of us in Australia . www . scotch . vic . edu . au Great Scot 11