Great Scot 163_September 2021_ONLINE_21.09.21 | Page 6



Back in early June , Lee and I found ourselves standing on Little Collins Street straining to wave at a window on the 11 th floor of a Melbourne hotel , where we could just make out the smiling face of our quarantining younger daughter as she waved back to the street below .
As noted in previous Great Scot articles , I have long harboured interest in how small , often unnoticed , fluctuations at the micro level can result in significant change at the macro level , mathematically and socially . Standing , neck craned , on Little Collins , I reflected on how the many small , at times seemingly unconnected , shifts of recent months had combined to bring about this moment : the blending of personal freedom with community responsibility ; the medical guidance and political decision making ; the debates , concerns , legislation , isolation , fear , resolve , compassion , sacrifice , research , innovation and loss . Eighteen months prior , I wouldn ’ t have dreamt such circumstance even remotely likely . Staring up at that distant figure , I was moved to consider how minute change to any of the contributory factors could have brought about different outcome .
I confess to similar emotion when watching the Euro Football Championship penalty shootout and here send congratulations to all of , or now claiming , Italian descent .
The role of education , and thence the teacher , is to consider all existing and past constituent elements of the personal and group environment , and each
young person ’ s sensitivity to change , and seek , with all available resources , to influence for the best outcome for individuals and the greater social good .
It was in such vein , that earlier this year , the School undertook a comprehensive audit of all its programmes and curriculum coverage regarding the social development of the boys , and , under the banner Growth of Scotch Boys , committed to delivering and evolving a comprehensive , coherent , sequenced journey of growth from Prep – Year 12 , built on relationships , curriculum , targeted programmes and encounters , with particular focus on consent , respectful relationships with women and intercultural competency .
To drive this work , the School has appointed Ms Tremaine Pavlovski and Ms Melanie Piva as , respectively , Coordinator Growth of Scotch Boys , Junior School , and Coordinator Growth of Scotch Boys , Senior School . Tremaine and Melanie will lead small teams , both including the respective School Psychologist , that report through their school executives to the School ’ s Teaching and Learning Committee , thus ensuring age specific insight and whole school oversight .
Intrinsic to the programme will be the professional development of our staff , support , through engagement , resources and education , for parents , and involvement with external consultants , including the Australian Childhood Foundation .
4 Great Scot Issue 163 – September 2021