Great Scot 163_September 2021_ONLINE_21.09.21 | Page 3

In May this year , a special Assembly was convened in the Quad when Chairman of Council , Mr Alex Sloan (’ 71 ) announced Principal Tom Batty ’ s intention to leave Scotch at the end of Semester One 2022 . I know I was not alone in sniffing back tears as I heard the news in company with boys and staff from the Senior School . In 14 years Tom has added immensely to the legacy of our School . His focus on relational learning , combining academic and pastoral care as a core principle , has led to a revitalised House-based community of connection in the Upper School , and a similar form-based approach in the Middle School .
While remaining steadfast in upholding School traditions , including a strong Christian belief and rigorous academic focus , Tom has dealt with social and cultural changes in the time he has been here with characteristic vision and foresight , introducing programs such as Respectful Relationships , Growth of Scotch Boys , and a commitment to the Safeguarding Children organisation , to note just a few .
There will be many tributes to Tom in the next editions of Great Scot from the School family ; but as I pen these words
I am so mindful of the empathy and care Tom has offered for the emotional wellbeing of students and staff during this latest lockdown , in coordination with staff in the Senior Committee . His regular updates to staff , parents and boys offer clarity , reassurance and consistent messages of support . Additionally , regular updates on Scotch Streams reflect video messages from the Chaplain , School Captain and Principal , as well as initiatives to support WellBeing @ Home and StayingFit @ Home . Practical measures to reduce screen time and work pressures such as ending classes for Years 7-10 at lunchtime on Fridays , and pruning content delivery have been widely welcomed .
The voices of our boys have been influential in endorsing the values of the School , and promoting positive change , with the aim of reducing prejudice and fostering wellbeing , as can be seen with the RU OK ?, Denim and IDA HOBIT Days , and Charity drive .
With so many events postponed or cancelled , it is nonetheless heartening to recognise innovative ways staff and boys have managed to hold virtual concerts , seminars , and art exhibitions , as well as participate in international and national conferences and competitions . Boys have shown their determination and resilience on the sports fields and in boarding . The challenges for Year 12s in particular have been immense . As they complete their final SACs and prepare for the final examinations , we look forward to celebrating with them back in Morrison Street next term .
Speaking at the opening of the Tolson Centre in May , Tom Batty said that with the completion of the centre , ‘ our history is secure , and with it , our future ’. At the same event , School Council Chairman Alex Sloan quoted Sir Winston Churchill : ‘ We shape our buildings and afterwards our buildings shape us ’. The refurbished Archives and Museum will certainly enable many of Scotch ’ s memories to be captured , and will ‘ shape us ’, as we reflect on our past and cast an eye to the future .
With the Tolson Centre up and running successfully , Scotch ’ s thoughts have turned to the next stage of development – an exciting array of Boarding House projects , which will improve life on the Hill for our boarding community . An article in the Scotch Foundation section of this edition sets out what is involved in this exciting transformation .
Cognisant of the degrees of separation caused by lockdowns , the Old Scotch Collegians ’ Association is focusing strongly on ‘ reasons to connect and ways to connect ’, as set out in several articles in this edition . At a time when class reunions and the celebrated OSCA Annual Dinner itself have had to be cancelled or postponed , OSCA is extending a supporting hand to its community through webinars , including a webinar for parents , and through podcasts and OSCAconnect , the association ’ s online communications platform .
Please note : all photos in this edition in which people are shown without masks were taken prior to the latest lockdowns .
The photos of Tom Batty and Alex Sloan , both during Assembly in May and at the opening of the Tolson Centre , were taken when Melbourne was not in lockdown .

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INSPIRATION IN ART Award-winning Artist-in-Residence comes to Scotch
NEXT DEVELOPMENT STAGE Exciting array of prospects for the Hill
OLD BOYS TAKE ON THE WORLD Four athletes and a coach at the Tokyo Olympics
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