Great Scot 162_April 2021_T_ONLINE | Page 36



Early adolescence is a time of change . Boys are adapting to physical , social and emotional growth , and trying to discover their place in the environments in which they find themselves .
As they seek to be more independent , they tend to distance themselves from their parents and focus more on the influence of their peers . Meanwhile they are often adjusting to a new school , trying to make friends and work out the new parameters .
The Peer Mentoring Program in the Scotch Senior School seeks to connect Year 7 boys with Year 10 boys , who act as role models and provide positive guidance as they work through prescribed sessions . These sessions cover practical matters ; for example , helping boys find their way around the campus and directing them in how best to communicate with teachers . They also cover social issues , such as how to make friends and how to deal with conflict .
Christopher O ’ Connell of Year 10 said : ‘ The Peer Mentoring Program is a wonderful opportunity for older boys to connect with Year 7s entering Senior School , and pass on advice about studies , friendships , and how to make the most out of the Scotch experience .’
Year 10 boys volunteer to be Peer Mentors , and the recommendations from Heads of House and Tutors help in the
selection . The boys then undergo some training in basic leadership , including techniques in listening and speaking , as well as considering how to be strong role models .
‘ I can vividly picture my early experiences of the Peer Mentoring Program at Scotch while in Year 7 , and gazing up at the older boys in admiration as they helped us settle into our new environment ,’ said Mike Winneke of Year 10 .
‘ This year I am privileged enough to be one of those older boys , helping to guide our newest members of the School in the right direction as they begin to embark on a brilliant journey . The aim for us is to comfort them in realising that they have a broad range of people to turn to if they have any concerns , or just feel like having a chat , as my Year 10 peers and I have been in their position and are more than willing to help .
‘ The program is a fantastic opportunity for all , and had a positive effect on me , which I am hoping I can give back to this great new group of Year 7s ’.
Year 7 boys have appreciated having an older boy who has been through what they are going through : ‘ I like listening to a boy who has been at the School for a long time , and knows what to do or not to do ,’ said one boy . Other boys said : ‘ The Peer Mentoring Program is a good thing to have , because it ’ s like having an older brother or sister guide you through school ,’ and ‘ the Peer Mentors shine the light in the dark ’.
The younger boys have also found it an atmosphere in which they can be open and seek advice . One said : ‘ I think the Peer Mentoring Program is a fun and enjoyable way of sharing our thoughts and feelings about how we are finding things at Scotch ’. Another boy described peer mentoring as ‘ fun , because you get to hang out with your friends , the Year 10s and do fun activities . You also get to express how you feel about school and your emotions ’.
The program has provided practical help . ‘ Peer mentoring really helped me at the start of the year from navigating around the School to currently helping me with organisation ,’ a Year 7 boy said .
And respect and friendship has grown from the groups ; a Year 7 boy described having older boys helping the Year 7s in their own time as ‘ an amazing experience ’, which ‘ proves how kind people can be to each other and then influence that is passed on ’. Another Year 7 boy said : ‘ The Peer Mentoring Program is a great way to meet new people at Scotch . I see my mentors at lunch sometimes and we say hello and talk . It ’ s an amazing way to be introduced to a new school !’
36 Great Scot Issue 162 – April 2021