Great Scot 161_December_2020_E-Mag_V2b | Page 56

Cadets and the Social Services Program . For 10 years , Chris oversaw the boys in Lawson , first as House Tutor ( three years ) and subsequently as Head of Lawson House ( seven years ).
Chris was associated with life on the Hill for 22 years . Initially appointed to the position of Academic Tutor in McMeckan House , appointments as Deputy Head of McMeckan House and Head of Arthur Robinson House quickly followed . In this most challenging and rewarding of positions , Chris worked tirelessly to provide a warm and welcoming family atmosphere within the House .
After 14 years of overseeing every aspect of the lives of the boys in Arthur Robinson House , Chris was appointed to the role of Dean of Boarding , a position he held for five years . Chris approached every aspect of Hill life with open mind and open heart , and a determination to provide the best possible experience for the boys .
Stephen was appointed to a Science position at the start of 1990 . Through subsequent years he did , with great success , inspire young minds across all levels of Science and VCE Chemistry . With grace , attention and good humour , Stephen introduced Scotch boys to the world of periodic tables and isotopes , and to the patterns which seem to govern their behaviour .
Highly regarded in the wider scientific community , Stephen spent 20 years assessing VCE scripts , ensuring those in his class were best prepared to face the final examination . Stephen also spent two years as Head of Chemistry , and undertook the roles of Director of Admissions and Dean of Studies during colleagues ’ periods of leave . For all but three of his years , when he was Head of Year 8 , Stephen oversaw boys in Monash House , first as House Tutor ( 16 years ) and second as Head of House ( 12 years ).
Each of the past 31 summers saw Stephen coaching tennis . Time was also spent beside hockey pitch and basketball court . A great love for the outdoors took Stephen on 27 Year 8 hikes , amid diverse locations throughout rural Victoria , and , through involvement in the Year 10 Activities Program , kayaking down many of the state ’ s rivers , and striding out on 14 bushwalking expeditions . Stephen was also involved in the 24 Hour Hike and cultural tours to Greece and China .
Rob has retired after 30 years of dedicated , thoughtful service . Initially appointed to the Art Department , Rob taught all levels of Art , VCE Visual Communication and Design , Design and Technology and Multimedia with boundless energy , optimism and more than a dash of élan . With patient manner , a genuine interest in each boy and love of subject , Rob inspired boys to think anew and engage collaboratively with their work .
Rob coached soccer , water polo , squash and cricket , served as a Cadet Corps Captain , and curated the School ’ s art collection . He organised and set up the highly successful Family Day Art Exhibition , and accompanied boys on art trips to Canberra and Bundanon , on numerous Highland Gatherings across the state , on Pipes and Drums camps at Cowes and on trips to Nepal and Cambodia . He brought artistic flair to set construction and to the photographs of The Scotch Collegian .
For 19 years Rob and Caroline ’ s lives were entwined with the Hill and McMeckan House . Initially as Academic Tutor ( one year ), then Deputy Head of McMeckan House ( seven years ) and finally as Head of McMeckan House ( 11 years ), supported by Caroline , Rob worked tirelessly to provide a warm and welcoming family atmosphere , approaching every aspect of Hill life with a determination to provide the boys with the best possible experience .
Rob walked thoughtfully alongside each boy in his care , observing his uniqueness and potential , while wrestling , stroke by stroke , with detail and dexterity , to bring forward the person he could become , leaving boys feeling deeply valued and affirmed . Rob was also a well-respected and collegial member of the common room .
TERESA LAVERS Teresa inspired boys and enchanted James Forbes Academy audiences for 20 years . She came to Scotch in 2001 as an accompanist and piano teacher , and immediately impressed all to come under her spell . Appointed the inaugural Head of Keyboard Studies in 2003 , Teresa set about combating the solitary nature of the instrument by forging a strong sense of belonging for piano staff .
The biennial Piano Festival , with its highly prized competition , is lasting testimony to the calibre of Teresa ’ s work . From 2002 she ran the annual Chamber Music Dinner , a highlight of the Scotch Music calendar . Maintaining , and seeking to advance , her own professional performance standards , Teresa has given regular recitals and concerto performances , presenting as an outstanding role model to her students .
A wonderfully accomplished piano teacher , Teresa inspired many students to the industry and élan that claims major competitions and earns high diplomas , while committing tirelessly to the progress of those of more mortal capacity .
Geoff was appointed in 2004 as a Teacher of Christian Education . Over the ensuing years , Geoff taught Christian Education to all levels across the Senior School . Geoff ’ s teaching was characterised by his passion for the subject and his desire to engage boys in debate .
Beyond the schoolroom , Geoff made a substantial contribution to Scotch life . He was a passionate and diligent tutor within the House system , coach of both football and rowing , and an enthusiastic contributor to the Christian Movement . Geoff organised and ran the annual Christian Movement Camp at Cowes , and a host of other activities and events . He also spent time in the Cadet Unit , attending bivouacs
54 Great Scot Issue 161 – December 2020