Great Scot 161_December_2020_E-Mag_V2b | Page 45

can find his calling and reveal his talents , every boy is a good person . In my current role as Head of Forbes House I believe I am able to actively foster these values for every single boy , every single day .
As the first point of contact for boys as a mentor and supporter , I work to ground him to a connection and a sense that he is inherently valued as a person , first and foremost . The role allows me to give boys the opportunity to speak and discover their voice ; their truth . They are able to discover and tell their story against the backdrop of compassion , kindness , empathy , love and forgiveness . Scotch allows me to live my truth : that if we open and develop boys ' hearts first , their minds will follow .


Head of Forbes House
Why did you choose to teach in a boys ' school ? There ' s something truly endearing about boys and boys ' schools . I once heard a teacher say ‘ the harder you hug a boys ' school , the harder it will hug you back ’, and without a doubt , this has been my experience . Boys have a wonderful playful energy , humour , pragmatism and above all , a deep desire to connect and form relationships . Boys care ; they care deeply , and will give of themselves wholly if encouraged to and allowed to .
Being immersed in this environment , from the classroom , to the sporting field to the dining hall , constantly inspires me both to model and emulate courage , compassion , vulnerability , strength and kindness . More than anything , I see the synergism and mutualism of their journeys and my own .
Can you share some memorable moments during your time at Scotch ?
I am passionate about my subject matter and classroom pedagogy ; however it is the interactions with students that I reflect on and appreciate the most . In my day-to-day interactions with students I am constantly reminded that a true education is more than just versing students in state-mandated curriculum and exam preparation . It ' s the small , seemingly mundane moments that take your day from ordinary to extraordinary ; that ‘ a-ha ’ moment in class , receiving a surprise email from a student : ‘ You ’ ve been an incredible person , not just as our Head of House , but as an overall mentor , a guide for all us boys ’; or even just a simple ‘ Good morning , Ms – how was your weekend ?’!
Of course , I must add that winning the Cock House competition this year is ( and will forever be ) a career highlight : in my maiden year as Head of Forbes House and Forbes ’ maiden win ! I couldn ’ t be prouder of the boys and the collective House spirit . Go Forbes !
How did you approach the lockdowns ?
Not surprisingly the COVID-19 lockdown compelled me to pause and become conscious of my surroundings and appreciative of my life . As weeks became months my days seemed to fill themselves with the monotony of Zoom lessons , dog walks with my two pugaliers and staring into the fridge . I rediscovered the work of Brené Brown , which reminded me that we don ' t have to do all of it alone . We were never meant to . Physical distancing does not mean social distancing . I have always valued community and know the importance of a strong support network .
I think I not only survived , but thrived in the lockdown through virtue of my fitness community . Day after day , my coach and fellow gym members showed up for ourselves and each other . We remained connected via Zoom classes , doing body-weight squats , push-ups and burpees from our living rooms and backyards . Positive support , gratitude and a growth mindset have meant that I can now do 100 burpees in under five minutes ! I am looking forward to returning to the gym and preparing for my next powerlifting competition .
What are your roles at Scotch and what do you most enjoy about working at Scotch ?
From day one , Scotch felt like home . I think this is due to the fact that I align with Scotch ' s vision : that every boy is known , every boy www . scotch . vic . edu . au Great Scot 43