Great Scot 160 September 2020 | Page 43

‘ I want to mention again our Principal , Tom Batty , who provided the " conversations of learning " educational principles , and the members of his executive team : Ross Congleton (’ 76 ), Chair of the Property Control group ; Vice Principal Rob McLaren (’ 73 ), who was always concerned with ensuring the interests of the boys were kept foremost ; Bill Sciarretta , Property Manager , who was heavily involved in the detail of the project , as was Greg McMahon , the Maintenance Manager , who provided his own unique insights along the way .
‘ I should also acknowledge David Dyson-Holland , who deserves our thanks for his very close attention to detail and acute cost control of the project , which has enabled it to be brought in very close to the sort of figure that we were hoping to see .
‘ I want also to thank on behalf of the School all those whose expertise , knowledge and skills have produced this remarkable place . They are not all here this morning , but I think it important for the record that we acknowledge their contributions .
‘ I acknowledge Cox Architects , led by Alistair Richardson , for another magnificent and lasting contribution to the School and its heritage , and especially Brett Seakins , who took the design from concept to completion , and Geoffrey Truong .
‘ And finally , we come to those whose remarkable dedication led to producing a building of the highest quality that will endure for
a century , perhaps several centuries , Hutchinson Builders , led by James Denton . James is with us this morning , director responsible , and those responsible for site management , Nick Scott , Ali Abou- Zeid , Philip McGourty , Cameron Slorach and Kevin Davidson .
‘ A heritage project of this sophistication and quality has not been easy , and it has required enormous dedication on the part of all those in the building team and the independent contractors who assisted to raise the building .
‘ I think those of us who are in other fields marvel at the skill of the builders and all the trades in raising a building like this , and I hope that all those who have worked on the Keon-Cohen Dining Hall have an enormous sense of pride in what they have achieved , knowing that it is going to be regarded as a treasure for generations to come .
‘ I conclude on this thought : that our normal way of life has been disrupted by this pandemic , but Scotch has weathered depressions , two World Wars , previous pandemics and will emerge from this one still Scotch , and still able to make its contribution to the wider community of which we are an integral part .
‘ It gives me great pleasure to declare the Keon-Cohen Dining Hall open . Thank you .’
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