Great Garden Plants Great Garden Plants - 2014 Digital Catalog | Page 11
HEDGE Plants
Privacy, Screens, or Fence Alternatives
Fire-Engine Red
Fall Color!
Euonymus ‘Compactus’ - Burning Bush
Grows Over 3’
Per Year!
Thuja ‘Green Giant’ - Arborvitae
Our #1 Best-Selling Hedge Plant!
No other plant can beat Thuja Green Giant for creating a colorful,
evergreen privacy fence in your garden. This rapidly growing evergreen
can grow over 3’ per year if given copius amounts of water and fertilizer
throughout the growing season. Space 5’ apart for fast results!
• 3-4’ tall jumbo 1-gallon plants for faster results!
• Perfect fast-growing hedge plant
• Fragrant, evergreen foliage all year
• Thrives in both sandy & clay soils
• Easily pruned to any desired height
This fast-growing hedge plant provides brilliant fall color, is easy to grow,
and requires minimal care. Burning Bush is the perfect plant for hiding
unsightly air-conditioning units near your house and can be combined
with Ornamental Grasses for summer-long color. Plants thrive in full
sun to part shade and easily establish in both sandy or clay soils. This
deciduous shrub is very disease resistant and easily tolerates drought,
heat, and humidity.
Z4-8, 5’H, 5’W, Summer, Sun, Part Shade, 2 Qt
EUOCO2Q - Each $19.95 - ON SALE $17.95
2 - $17.45 ea - SAVE $5.00, 3 - $16.95 ea - SAVE $9.00,
6 - $16.45 ea - SAVE $21.00, 12 - $15.95 ea - SAVE $48.00,
24 - $14.95 ea - SAVE $120.00, 36 - $13.95 ea - SAVE $216.00
Z5-8, 50’H, 10’W, Sun, Part Shade, 1 Gallon
THUGG1G - Each $22.95 - ON SALE $18.95
3 - $17.95 ea - SAVE $15.00, 6 - $17.45 ea - SAVE $33.00
12 - $16.95 ea - SAVE $72.00, 24 - $16.45 ea - SAVE $156.00
48 - $15.95 ea - SAVE $336.00, 96 - $14.95 ea - SAVE $768.00
Evergreen ShadeLoving Shrub!
Buxus ‘Green Velvet’ - Boxwood
Beautiful and Cold Hardy Evergreen Hedge Plant
Green Velvet Boxwood was bred in Canada and has fine, deep-green
leaves that make it the perfect low-growing hedge for edging a pathway
or formal garden. This boxwood hybrid thrives in even the coldest zone 5
winters of Chicago without losing its velvety green foliage color.
Z5-8, 36”H, 36”W, Shade, Evergreen, 2 Qt
7 Year Old
Green Giant Hedge
Our heavily rooted 1 gallon pots guarantee
quick results in your garden!
Fast-growing privacy fence,
grows over 3’ per year!
BUXGV2Q - Each $17.95 - ON SALE $16.95
2 - $16.45 ea - SAVE $3.00, 3 - $15.95 ea - SAVE $6.00,
6 - $15.45 ea - SAVE $15.00, 12 - $14.95 ea - SAVE $36.00,
24 - $14.45 ea - SAVE $84.00, 36 - $13.95 ea - SAVE $144.00
See our entire selection of Hedge Plants at - Toll Free: 877-447-4769