GREAT China Welcome directory March 2016 | Page 340

GREAT China Welcome GREAT China Welcome GEG Travel Marketing Director 86-10-5864 4741 1-3 Old Compton Street London W1D 5JB England 至活旅游英国有限公司始创于1988年,位于伦敦市中心,作为欧盟地接 旅行社协会及英国入境旅游协会会员,是目前欧洲最具规模和名气,历史 最悠久的全方位地接旅行社,竭诚提供专业、优质和可靠的服务。至活旅 游拥有庞大的欧洲一手资源网络,不断推陈出新,开拓多种崭新的欧洲旅 行方程式,其中欧来欧去循环大巴游和各种多元化特色主题游已是成绩斐 然,备受赞誉。 Located in London, GEG Travel, founded in 1988, accredited ADS, Members of UKInbound and ETOA, is Europe’s largest, longeststanding and most well-known European land operator, providing professional, quality and reliable services for Chinese. With a huge network of primary resources, GEG Travel develops various new European tour programs including GoEuGo and diversified themed tours. Gentlemans Butler 为高净值个人提供的奢侈杂志和礼宾服务,为中国的绅士和女士们推荐 有品质的产品和服务,以便让他们在英国游览期间能尽享英国奢侈生活 时尚。 联系 Contact Michael Grenville Editor-in-Chief 44 (0)208 780 5234 275a Upper Richmond Road London SW15 6SP England 其他有用的信息 Other useful information gegtravel geginfo [email protected] 为中国游客而設的服务及设施 Services & amenities for Chinese visitors 340 A luxury magazine and concierge service for high net worth individuals, endorsing brand products and services for Chinese ladies and gentlemen to enjoy the very best of British luxury lifestyle throughout their visit to Britain. 其他有用的信息 Other useful information 管家服务是为那些寻求最佳体验的中国游客提供的奢华服务。为女士和绅 士们介绍奢侈品造型师,我们的造型师同皇室名流以及所有奢侈时装品牌 合作,为您量身打造完美着装。礼品购买——个性化的奢侈品购物之旅或 为您搜寻礼品。 Butler Services - Luxury services for Chinese visitors looking for the best. The luxury Stylist for a Ladies & Gentleman - Our stylist who works with royalty, celebrities and with all the luxury fashion brands will create perfect outfits, bespoke for you. Gift Buying Personalised luxury shopping trips or sourcing gifts for you. 至活旅游分别在北京、上海、香港、广州和成都开设了说中文的代表处, 帮助您准备旅程,并推广英国这一非凡目的地。 To assist with preparing for your trip, GEG Travel has five Chinesespeaking ground offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Chengdu who promote the United Kingdom as a destination. 我们接受 We accept 绅士管家 Tour Operators Tour Operators 联系 Contact Annie Xu 至活旅游 [email protected] 为中国游客而設的服务及设施 Services & amenities for Chinese visitors 会说中文/粤语的员工 Mandarin/Cantonese Speaking Staff 银联设备 Union Pay Facilities 会说中文/粤语的员工 Mandarin/Cantonese Speaking Staff 银联设备 Union Pay Facilities 中文或粤语的游客信息 Information available for visitors in Chinese language 训练有素的员工,能满足文化方面的需求和期望 Trained Staff to