GREAT China Welcome directory March 2016 | Page 124

GREAT China Welcome GREAT China Welcome Abbotsford House 男爵府邸 Alnwick Castle 阿尼克城堡 Attractions & Entertainment Attractions & Entertainment 阿尼克城堡(Alnwick Castle)是英国第二大有人居住的城堡,诺森伯 兰公爵家族已在此居住了超过700年,《哈利波特》和《唐顿庄园》都曾 在此取景。 这座男爵府邸由久负盛名的作家兼诗人沃尔特·司各特男爵建立,位于美 丽的苏格兰边区(Scottish Borders)中心,如今提供奢华的住宿。 联系 Contact Jayne Billam Marketing & Communications Officer 44 (0)1896 663 974 Abbotsford Melrose Roxburghshire TD6 9BQ Scotland A baronial house built by renowned author & poet Sir Walter Scott in the heart of the beautiful Scottish Borders with luxury accommodation available. 其他有用的信息 Other useful information 导览手册已翻译成中文,同时提供展会口译 Translated guidebooks and exhibition interpretation. Admissions Sales Manager 44 (0)1665 511184 Alnwick Northumberland NE66 1NQ England Alnwick Castle is the second largest inhabited castle in the UK, home to the Duke of Northumberland’s family for over 700 years and film