GREAT China Welcome directory March 2016 | Page 192

GREAT China Welcome GREAT China Welcome Portsmouth Historic Dockyard 朴茨茅斯旧船坞 Portsmouth Museum 朴茨茅斯博物馆 Attractions & Entertainment Attractions & Entertainment 玛丽罗斯博物馆(Mary Rose Museum)、纳尔逊勋爵的胜利号战舰、 皇家海军勇士号、皇家海军朴茨茅斯国家博物馆和活动站均坐落于此。 联系 Contact Emma Abrook Trade & Group Sales Manager 44 (0)2392 728 077 Visitor Centre Victory Gate Portsmouth PO1 3LJ England Home to the Mary Rose Museum, Lord Nelson’s flagship HMS Victory, HMS Warrior, The National Museum of the Royal Navy Portsmouth and Action Stations. 其他有用的信息 Other useful information HMS M.33于2015年8月对外开放,它不仅是英国唯一一艘现存参加过 1915-1916年达达尼尔战役的退役船舰,而且它还参加过俄国内战。这是 当前现存唯一三艘参加过一战的英国战舰之一。 Opening in August 2015, HMS M.33 is not only the sole remaining British veteran vessel of the bloody Dardanelles Campaign of 19151916, but also of the Russian Civil War which followed. The ship is one of just three British warships from World War I still in existence. (+