grAVIDy Magazine 1st Quarter 2013 | Page 11

Alumni Answers:

1. AVID has helped me prepare more for college than any other resource I've encountered to date. Everything from applying to scholarships to time management to taking valuable and helpful notes during lectures have been essential to doing well in college so far, and were really focused on in AVID. - (LA)

AVID completely helped me with studying for the SAT and also for the ACT. It made me want to take more AP classes my senior year and also pushed me to apply more than just one school. - (SL)

2. 3.08 - (SL)

My high school GPA was about a 3.85. - (LA)

3. The challenges I faced in high school was not giving forth all my effort and lettings others and other things get in the way of my school work and things involving school. - (AM)

In high school, because I had moved from another state, I was automatically behind in credits when compared to other students. Taking GT, honors, and AP courses definitely helped even that initial difference out. I also had issues at home, which would make studying for school or focusing on college applications much more difficult than normal. - (LA)

4. I really did not do anything but sports and school work. But when I got home I would eat and then do any assignments I had to complete. On the track bus and at tracks meets I did a lot of school work as well. (AG)

5. The transition from home to campus wasn't too bad. The campus is beautiful and filled with diverse people and many things to do, so I found myself always occupied. It probably helps that I'm only a half an hour from Baltimore, so I often visit friends and family. (LA)

6. The difference that I see is that there is no one breathing down your neck telling you what you can and cannot do or eyes looking down at you to make sure you get work done on time. (AM)

7. I am doing excellent so far. I almost have 100% in my general pyschology class. I have always been interested in criminal justice. (SL)

8. I did not know what I wanted to do in college, but that is ok. Most entering freshman do not know college lets you discover the many directions you can go in pursuing a career. (EW)

I chose criminal justice because of all the shows I watched, I said to myself," I want to do that and what they are doing." But then I changed to disesel mechanics because I found a new passion working on cars and drag racing all of the time. (AN)

9. Full athletic scholarship for football and track (AG)

10. I have a great chance of making a running team and signing with them, so like Nike or Under Armour, etc. This will allow me to continue my career in track. (AG)