Change and
If you haven't noticed a change in our oceans waters, then well you don't know it's all thanks to climate change. So much change is going on every day but we only see what's happening around us on land. Well at least for those who even care to stop for a moment and look around. While our life on earth is changing, so is all the rage on how we're going to fix it, We're not paying enough attention to another form of life down below us. in the sea.
Thanks to Global Warming, the temperature is rising in the oceans. The ocean is absorbing more carbon dioxide creating more ocean acidification. The more acid put into the ocean the less calcium carbonate the coral absorbs. Making it harder for these organisms to build their shells. Which means that the skeletons of coral and the reefs will dissolve killing many species of fish that use it in their everyday lives. Besides the other organisms living in the ocean, the beautiful coral reefs are the most affected by the change in temperature leading to a bigger problem called "coral bleaching". This is due to the stress that the coral gets. Once the coral becomes stressed Zooxanthellae leaves their tissue. Zooxanthellae is what the coral uses as their color and helps protect them against diseases.