Grassroots - Vol 24 No 1 | Page 31

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Websites , Webinars & Podcasts

VIDEO | Holistic Management : Claims are not supported but are there social lessons to be learnt ?
Dr . Heidi-J Hawkins talk as part of Oxford Biodiversity Networks ’ Nature Series .“ The Savory Institute claims that Holistic Management ( HM ) increases production of plants and grazing animals while also increasing soil organic carbon under all conditions in all habitats . Claims have been heavily marketed and popularized in the media including via the now-famous TEDTalk . However , peer-review literature , including our meta-analysis , and a recent review focussed on farm-scale studies , do not support these claims . In this talk we will present this evidence , while addressing some of the criticisms levelled against scientific studies by HM supporters . Finally , we will discuss the social dynamics within HM communities and what lessons these might provide .” https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = 9JCAjj41vjM
VIDEO | Healthy rangelands for enchanced water security under a changing climate
“ Rangelands cover about half of the global land surface , support over 2 billion people and more than 50 % of the world ’ s livestock , and host high biodiversity . But rangelands and the livelihoods of the people they support , particularly those of pastoralist communities , are under increasing pressure due to the compounding effects of land degradation and climate change . Water-smart rangeland restoration can be instrumental in addressing the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss while improving food and water security and human well-being . This session will highlight rangeland restoration options that link soil and water to build healthy and resilient rangelands , and discuss how these can accelerate transformative change toward sustainability .” https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = QtW5CrjucJE
VIDEO | The Plight of South Africa ' s Peculiar Peatlands “ In this webinar organized by Survival International , independent researcher Simon Counsell and ecologist / conservationist Mordecai Ogada , explain who NRT are , and why the offsetting project they ' re heading in Northern Kenya is devastating Indigenous lands and lives .” https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = JQCKAjCC89c
VIDEO | # BloodCarbon : Northern Rangelands Trust ( NRT ) ’ s carbon offsetting project explained
“ In this webinar organized by Survival International , independent researcher Simon Counsell and ecologist / conservationist Mordecai Ogada , explain who NRT are , and why the offsetting project they ' re heading in Northern Kenya is devastating Indigenous lands and lives .” https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = ljYSnei1pcc

Upcoming events

Want to advertise your event ? Contact us and we will include it in our next edition .
XII International Rangeland Congress – Adelaide , Australia The Australian Organising Committee of the XII International Rangeland Congress , on behalf of the Australian Rangeland Society and the International Rangeland Congress Continuing Committee , invites you to participate in the International Rangeland Congress to be held June 2-6 , 2025 at the Adelaide Convention Centre , Adelaide , Australia .
Visit : https :// irc2025 . rangelandcongress . org /

2 – 6 June 2025

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