Grassroots - Vol 24 No 1 | Page 21


Despite the high reliance on traditional medicine by rural populations , the role of medicinal plants for the treatment of childhood diseases remains speculative and lacks systematic documentation .
Our study yielded the first comprehensive inventory of medicinal plants and indigenous knowledge related to children ’ s healthcare in the area .
In total , 61 plants from 34 families were recorded as medicine used for managing seven categories of diseases . Skinrelated and gastro-intestinal diseases were the most prevalent childhood health conditions encountered by the study participants .
Capturing local wisdom
Evidence shows traditional health practitioners continue to play an important role in managing childhood illness in sub-Saharan Africa .
South Africa is endowed with a rich wealth of flora and is often acclaimed as a biodiversity hotspot . Thousands of plants are used for traditional medicine for the management of diverse health conditions .
In the North West , we interviewed 101 participants , including traditional health practitioners , specifically those with expertise in managing and treating diseases among children , and herbal vendors operating in the selected study areas .
Gender distribution among the participants was 78 % female and 21 % male . This signifies the importance of women as active custodians of indigenous knowledge related to childhood health needs .
Of the participants , 63 % had completed a secondary level of education , 21.8 % had no formal education and 5 % had attended primary school . Although 79 % of the participants lived in villages , 15.8 % were based in urban areas .
The participants were asked which plants they used to treat children . Of the 61 plants identified , 89 % were recorded for the first time as botanicals used for childhood-related diseases by traditional health practitioners .
Carpet plant ( Geranium incanum ), common yellow commelina ( Commelina africana ) and elephant ’ s root ( Elephantorrhiza elephantina ) were the most popular medicinal plants .
Carpet plant was used as a treatment for diverse health problems such as umbilical cord conditions , muscle fits , measles , weight loss and appetite loss .
Common yellow commelina was used as a remedy to treat skin conditions , while elephant ’ s root was used to treat gastrointestinal and skin diseases .
Roots and rhizomes were the parts most frequently used as treatments ( 40 %), followed by leaves ( 23 %) and whole plants ( 20 %).
Boiling plants or softening them in liquid were the main preparation methods . The plant remedies were mainly administered orally ( 60 %) and used on the skin ( 39 %).
The study also confirmed there are similarities in indigenous practices , techniques and plant matter for specific conditions that were previously reported in other provinces : KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape .
The way forward There is increasing support from governments for promoting traditional medicine as part of primary healthcare in African countries such as Cameroon and South Africa .
We recommend that :
Government provide institutional and financial support to determine the role of herbal medicine in primary healthcare . Working with traditional health practitioners , medicinal plants must be documented and testing laboratories need to be set up to establish their efficacy and to determine appropriate dosages .
Botanical gardens should be created to ensure the sustainability of plants and their continued role in providing muchneeded medical care . In the North West province , 40 % of the ecosystems are under severe stress , with 11 of the 61 vegetation and 14 of the 18 river types classified as threatened . Medicinal plants are mostly harvested from the wild , so it ’ s possible that many could face extinction from uncontrolled harvesting .
Grassroots Vol 24 No 1 March 2024 20