Grassroots - Vol 24 No 1 | Page 2

In this issue


Tree of the Month


How do the EU farmer protests relate to climate change ?


Migrating animals face collapsing numbers


Ecologically important Rietvlei at risk

11 02 13 18 19 21

South Africa ’ s Agulhas long-billed lark
From our Editor
Young researcher of the month
Hundreds of people from mining communities march in Pretoria
Medicinal plants help keep children healthy
Madagascar : giant tortoises have returned

23 25 27 29 30 31

Cash-strapped conservationists in South Africa
How nature can fight climate change — and how it can ' t
New Discoveries
Websites , Webinars & Podcasts
Upcoming events Deadlines for Grassroots submissions
01 Grassroots Vol 24 No 1 March 2024