Grassroots - Vol 24 No 1 | Page 17


Figure 6 . The grey-green Hennops River is the recipient of plastics , effluent , chemical and agricultural pollution arriving via a variety of sources in the Ekurhuleni municipalities — the Hartbeesfontein sewage farm among them . ( Photo : Angus Begg )
at some places 600m wide , the Rietvlei wetland – much of which is in the nature reserve – is correctly known as “ peatland ”, acknowledged by many as one of the most efficient carbon sinks on Earth , according to Hennops Revival founder Tarryn Johnston .
Rietvlei is one of the largest peatlands in a protected area in South Africa . According to various scientific studies , including from the Agricultural Research Council , peatland is a “ rare feature in the southern African landscape ”.
Also rare is the reserve ’ s endangered Bankenveld grassland “ and a level one protected area , home to around 2,000 different animals and 240 different bird species ”.
“ The only way to truly protect the Rietvlei dam and surrounding nature reserve is to buffer around the reserve , protect it so that no one can ever mine ,” X said .
Liefferink said public concerns about Corobrik ’ s wish to “ mine , remove and store ” coal deposits near the Rietvlei Dam and nature reserve had to be addressed .
Rietvlei ’ s existing water woes
The Rietvlei Nature Reserve and surrounding areas are already grappling with severe water quality issues , which cut across multiple municipalities and highlight how possible pollution from the Corobrik mine could exacerbate the intractable situation .
The Rietvlei Dam , a critical water source within the reserve , receives inflow from various tributaries , including the Rietvlei River . These are tainted by raw sewage from multiplying and burgeoning informal settlements , builders ’ rubble and industrial and agricultural pollutants , all unchecked by any form of local , provincial or national policing .
Also on the river ’ s path en route to the Rietvlei wetland , which gives rise to the dam , is Ekurhuleni ’ s Hartbeesfontein wastewater treatment works ( WWTW ), which statistics reveal is in a calamitous state .
“ E . coli levels ( in the water discharged by Hartbeesfontein ) in the Rietvlei River were in the multiple millions in April 2023 ,” X said .
That water eventually joins the polluted Kaalspruit from Tembisa to form the Hennops River .
“ Eight million parts E . coli per 100ml were measured in the Hennops last year , but that ’ s nothing compared to the 24 million in the Kaalspruit .”
City of Tshwane MMC for Environment and Agricultural Management Ziyanda Zwane described a downstream disaster of epic proportions and municipal design .
“ The Kaalspruit is heavily polluted as a result of the impact of mushrooming informal settlements in Tembisa , which falls under Ekurhuleni , and the
Figure 7 . One day of solid rain is enough for the river to flood the banks of the Hennops , as Daily Maverick has seen , leaving litter and effluent covering pavements , roads , golf courses and commercial precincts for weeks afterwards . The once locally famed Centurion Hotel was forced to close because of the situation . ( Photo : Angus Begg )
invasion of the Kaalfontein wetland , which falls under City of Johannesburg ,” Zwane said .
When asked for comment on the Kaalspruit having an E . coli reading of more than 55 million counts per 100ml – as per the 2021 South African Human Rights Commission ’ s ( SAHRC ) damning report – and five other pertinent questions , the Ekurhuleni municipality responded with a paragraph declaring that “ there is inconvertible scientific evidence that the ( Olifantsfontein WWTW ) plant actually helps the ( Hennops ) River particularly on microbiological compliance , as the E . coli upstream of the plant is high ”.
“ I want to sh … myself ,” was X ’ s response . “ That is not a way to justify your own pollution .”
Zwane , from the City of Tshwane , said “ unmanaged ( population ) growth ” in neighbouring Ekurhuleni led to the river system being used as a mechanism for disposal of untreated effluent and municipal solid waste .
He added that illegal sand mining in both the Olifantspruit and the Kaalspruit led to “ thousands of tons of river sand washing down , much of which gets deposited into the Centurion Lake , which serves as a de facto silt trap ”.
Grassroots Vol 24 No 1 March 2024 16