Grassroots - Vol 23 No 3 | Page 2

In this issue


GSSA Congress 58 : Award Winners


Tree of the month


GSSA Congress 58 : Presidential Address


Invasive alien species : a serious threat


02 03 07 15 16 18 23

Karpowership game ranch ‘ donation ’
From our Editor
Feedback from Congress 58 ’ s Organization Committee
GSSA Council Members 2023 / 2024
National Biodiversity Offset Guideline for implementation
Licence to pollute - carbon offsets a disaster in the making for Africa
‘ Helicopter science ’ and conservation models disregard African knowledge
Minister Barbara Creecy on science based measures

24 25 27 28 29 30 31

Conservation International Peace Parks Foundation Commit USD $ 150 Million
International Grassland Congress : A Global Gathering for Sustainable Agriculture
In Memoriam : Prof Neil Tainton
Websites , Webinars & Podcasts
Call for Abstracts : African Journal of Range and Forage Science Special Issue
Upcoming events Deadlines for Grassroots submissions
01 Grassroots Vol 23 No 3 November 2023